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[[David Reimer]] (birth name Bruce) was born an identical twin in Winnipeg, Manitoba. At 6 months of age both boys were mistakenly diagnosed with [[phimosis]], a natural condition of the infant [[penis]]. The so-called doctor [[Jean-Marie Huot ]] botched the first [[circumcision ]] completely destroying Bruce's [[penis]]. Twin Brian's circumcision was canceled; he made a full recovery from his "condition" of phimosis, without further treatment.
Shortly after the botched circumcision Bruce's mother Janet saw a television interview with [[John Money]], a physician psychologist from John Hopkins Hospital who worked with cases of gender identity, transsexuality and [[intersex ]] conditions. Janet wondered if perhaps she had found an answer to the horrific situation her baby was in, could Bruce be raised as a girl?
John Money thought he saw an opportunity to prove gender is learned behavior, and Bruce was an ideal subject with his twin brother Brian as a scientific control. Bruce was reassigned as Brenda. Money reported several times that the experiment was a success, and Brenda had adjusted well and liked to help her mother with traditionally female tasks around the house. Money built much of his career and theories of gender on the "successful" outcome of this case. Reality was far from the rosy domestic picture Money was reporting, Brenda never adjusted.
As a young teenager, refusing to take the prescribed female hormones and facing vaginoplasty surgery, Brenda rebelled to the point that her father broke down and confessed to her the botched circumcision which had led to the forced feminization. Brenda immediately assumed a male identity and took the name David.
When David's story came to national attention in 1997 John Money's reputation was over. However, [[Jean -Marie Hout howeverHuot]], the doctor who destroyed David's infant [[penis ]], was rarely mentioned. In fact many of the mainstream articles reporting David's story even failed to report that David's penis had been destroyed in a botched [[circumcision]]. Some only said "the baby lost his [[penis ]] in an accident" thereby shifting blame from the circumcision "doctor" to the baby! Almost every report of David's story focused on miss-assigned gender and intersex conditions, even though David was neither. Our culture cannot face the truth, that David's natural condition had been misdiagnosed, his [[penis ]] needlessly destroyed, and that [[circumcision ]] was to blame.
In 2004 David took his own life. This report show how even after his [[death ]] the blame remains firmly on John Money and mistreatment of intersex conditions, while the real criminal, the circumciser [[Jean-Marie Huot ]], M.D., gets away without notice, even six twenty years after his death.
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[[Category:Films Film]][[Category:Film about David Reimer]][[Category:Intersex]]
[[Category:From IntactWiki]]

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