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Regret mom

10 bytes added, 17:22, 19 September 2019
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'''Regret mom''' is a term used by women who have given birth to a boy and had him circumcised, but now regret having done it to him.
In some countries (esp. in the USA) and cultures (mainly among Jews and Muslims), expectant parents are sometimes urged by their own parents or relatives to have their son circumcised. Even doctors and religious leaders and communities encourage or press them to agree to the [[circumcision]] of the son.
Many (expectant) fathers in these countries and cultures are genitally mutilated themselves and may not have reflected what has been done to them. So they often easily agree, using trivializing arguments. But because in most of these countries and cultures [[FGM]] isn't routinely done to girls, most (expectant) mothers do not have their own physical reason and repressive mechanism to play down genital mutilation. Instead, many of these women feel too weak to argue against their men or they simply believe that "it has to be done because everyone does it". This is a very dangerous attitude, because it not only downplays the "procedure", but it also denies the right of suffering victims to suffer, because of the lack of ability to empathize even physically or mentally, what happens to a boy in the "circumcision".
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