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Doctors Re-examine Circumcision

132 bytes added, 01:22, 18 December 2023
Contents: Wikify.
| Author=[[George C. Denniston]], [[Thomas J. Ritter]]
| Title=Doctors Re-examine Circumcision
| Subtitle= 
| FirstEdition=August 8, 2001
| Publisher=Third Millennium Pubns
| ISBN={{ISBN|978-0971187801}}
[[File:Doctors re-examine circumcision.jpg|250px]]
Foreword by [[Ashley Montagu]], Ph.D.{{PhD}}
== About The Authors ==
[[Thomas J. Ritter]], M.D.{{MD}}, has practiced general surgery for over three decades, and is a graduate of the {{UNI|University of Pennsylvania |UPenn}} School of Medicine. Dr. Ritter is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons and is a Diplomate of the American Board of Surgery. The father of six children, he lives with his wife in Pennsylvania.
[[George C. Denniston]], M.D.{{MD}}, M.P.H.{{MPH}}, is a graduate of the {{UNI|University of Pennsylvania |UPenn}} School of Medicine, and the Harvard School of Public Health, and is was formerly associated with the Department of Family Medicine, {{UNI|University of Washington|UW}}. He lives with his wife in SeattleWashington.
== Contents ==
 # Circumcision Inflicts a Diminished [[Penis ]] on Your Newborn Baby Boy# Circumcision Is Really [[Foreskin ]] [[Amputation]], and Is Abusive
# Circumcision Is Very Painful and Traumatizing--A Terrible Way to Welcome Your Newborn
# Circumcision Produces Psychological and Emotional Pain and Anguish to Sons and Parents
# Circumcision Creates Unnecessary Surgical Risks and Complications
# Cleanliness and Hygienic Reasons Mandate That We Do Not Circumcise
# No Extra Care Is Needed for an [[Intact ]] Infant or Young Boy
# Your Son Will Learn How Simple It Is to Keep Himself Clean
# The Foreskin Is Normal and Natural
# What Looks "Funny" to Some Is Natural and Normal
# When Unaroused, the [[Glans ]] of the [[Penis ]] Is Meant to Be an Internal Organ, Like the Clitoris[[clitoris]]
# The Foreskin Enhances Sexual Pleasure!
# [[Circumcision ]] Robs the Male of His Birthright--A Fully Functioning [[Penis]]
# It Makes Just As Much Sense to Circumcise Baby Girls
# Circumcision is a Disservice to Both the Male and Female--Especially in Later Life
# Europeans and Asians Do Not Circumcise Their Sons
# The "I'm Circumcised and I'm Fine" Syndrome
# Circumcision Removes a Lot More Than a Little Snip of [[Skin]]
# Your Son's Penis Does Not Have to Look Like His Father's
# Men Circumcised as Infants Are Even Now Restoring Their Foreskins
# Circumcision Does Not Prevent Premature Ejaculation
# Penile and Cervical Cancer Are Not Valid Reasons for Infant Circumcision
# The [[Uncircumcised ]] Penis Is Not More Prone to Urinary Tract Infections# The [[Uncircumcised ]] Penis is Not More Likely to Spread STD's, Including [[AIDS]]
# No, He Probably Won't Have to Have It Done Later Anyway
# [[Intact ]] Men Are More Likely to Use a Condom
# Major Medical Associations Say Circumcision Is Unnecessary
# Some Insurance Companies and Programs Are No Longer Paying for Routine Infant Circumcision
# Many Noted Physicians and Others Have Spoken Out Against Circumcision
# If You're Not Sure--DonSure—Don't Do It!
# Say No to Circumcision!
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