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2,975 bytes added, 08:52, 11 October 2019
Created page with "At the moment there is a split legal situation regarding the genital mutilation of minors: While female genitalia (not only of girls, but also of women) are virtually protecte..."
At the moment there is a split legal situation regarding the genital mutilation of minors: While female genitalia (not only of girls, but also of women) are virtually protected against mutilation by corresponding concrete laws worldwide, male genitals are hardly anywhere explicitly protected against mutilation. Although genital mutilation is fundamentally a personal injury against the will of the person concerned, not only politicians, but also many courts bow to the pressure of religious interest groups or follow outdated information from physicians.

Here are a few examples of specific case law related to [[MGM|male genital mutilation]]:

== Germany ==
* 2012: The so-called [[Cologne circumcision court judgment]] of 7 May 2012 has definitely gone down in history, but it has triggered a short, heated [[Circumcision Debate|circumcision debate]] in Germany and the German-speaking neighboring countries, on 12 December 2012 to hasty adoption of the so-called [[German Circumcision Act]] led to the repeal of the [[Cologne circumcision court judgment]].
* 2019: In Ascheberg, a 43-year-old Syrian surgeon was sentenced to a prison sentence of 2.5 years on 10 October 2019 for failing to carry out the foreskin amputation of a six-month-old infant and others in a professional manner.<ref>{{REFweb
|title=Säuglinge beschnitten: Arzt wegen gefährlicher Körperverletzung verurteilt
|trans-title=Infants circumcised: doctor convicted of dangerous bodily harm

== Switzerland ==
* In 2019, the Zurich Supreme Court ruled that a Muslim boy should not be cut off the [[foreskin]], although the mother wishes to do so. The [[circumcision]] would harm the child's well-being and was also not medically indicated.<ref>{{REFweb
|title=Zehnjähriger Bub soll dereinst selber über Beschneidung entscheiden
|trans-title=Ten-year-old boy will one day decide about circumcision itself
|title=Eine Mutter will ihren Sohn beschneiden lassen. Die Kesb ist dagegen. Wie entscheidet das Gericht?
|trans-title=A mother wants to have her son circumcised. The kesb is against it. How does the court decide?
|title=Zehnjähriger darf seine Vorhaut behalten
|trans-title=Ten year old may keep his foreskin



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