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Thomas R. Frieden

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In the letter, [[Thomas R. Frieden|Thomas]] states that
| Title=Acknowledgement of the Problem | Text=...there is no reasonable doubt that the practice of metzitzah b’peh (“suction by mouth”) has infected several infants in New York City with the herpes virus, including one child who died and another who has evidence of brain damage...The connection between metzitzah b’peh and neonatal herpes has been documented in the medical literature... | Author=Thomas R. Frieden | Source= | langref=| before<ref name="Frieden-2005">{{REFdocument | afterurl=| Transcription=| Translation=| ref=<ref>[ |title=Frieden. Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. (2005). An open letter to the Jewish community.] |format=PDF |accessdate=2019-10-16}}</ref>
Yet, [[Thomas R. Frieden]] drops the matter as a New York City Health Commissioner by downplaying the issue:
| Title=Downplaying the Dangers of ''Metzitzah B'Peh'' | Text=With an estimated average of fewer than 30 cases of all forms of infant herpes infections occurring per year in New York City, the odds of one mohel being associated with 3 cases of
neonatal herpes are infinitesimally small (about 6.9 million to 1)...Some religious authorities consider metzitzah b’peh the only acceptable way to draw blood away from the circumcision cut.
| Author=Thomas R. Frieden | Source=| lang=| before=| after=| Transcription=| Translation= | ref=<ref>["Frieden-commishletter.pdf Frieden. Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. (2005). An open letter to the Jewish community.]<"/ref>
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