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Sexual effects of circumcision

8 bytes added, 13:53, 26 October 2019
wikify Masturbation
'''This article was borrowed from Wikipedia on [ 21:11, 17 May 2011]'''
The '''sexual effects of [[circumcision]]''' are the subject of some debate. Studies have been conducted to investigate whether circumcision has any effect on sexual drive, erectile function, premature and delayed ejaculation, sexual satisfaction, sexual sensation and penile sensitivity. Studies have also assessed whether circumcision affects [[masturbation ]] or other sexual practices, and whether a heterosexual woman's experience of sex is affected by her partner's circumcision status.
Those reviewing the literature have reached differing conclusions. The American Academy of Pediatrics points to a survey (self-report) finding circumcised adult men had less sexual dysfunction and more varied sexual practices, but also noted anecdotal reports that penile sensation and sexual satisfaction are decreased for circumcised males.<ref name="AAP1999">{{REFjournal
In a study by Korean researchers of 255 men circumcised after the age of 20 and 18 who were not circumcised, Kim and Pang reported that masturbatory pleasure decreased in 48% of the respondents and increased in 8%. [[Masturbation|Masturbatory]] difficulty increased in 63% but was easier in 37%. They concluded that there was a decrease in masturbatory pleasure after circumcision.<ref name="kimpang2006"/>
Laumann ''et al.'' reported that circumcised men in their survey displayed a greater rates of experience of various sexual practices, including oral sex, anal sex, and [[masturbation]].<ref name="Laumann1997">{{REFjournal
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