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Na ''et al''. (2015) considered whether Australian boys should be circumcised. They concluded:
<blockquote>In conclusion, although there is a benefit of circumcision in those with urogenital tract anomalies, in a healthy newborn,the disease in the foreskin is non-existent. There is insufficient scientific evidence to support routine newborn circumcision in Australia done for UTI risk and HIV transmission issues alone. Therefore, any surgical complication and financial cost of routine newborn circumcision for these reasons in Australia currently cannot be justified. From a medical point of view, the‘price’ is still too high.<ref name="na2015">{{REFjournal
|first=Angelika F
|first2=Sharman PT
|first3=John M
|title=Circumcision: Is it worth it for 21st-century Australian boys?
|journal=J Paediatr Child Health

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