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* <strike>2014 AAP Convention Protest in San Diego</strike> (FB page no longer available)
* [[Genital Autonomy Revolution]]
* [[South Florida Intactivists Unite]]
* [[Tampa Bay Area Intactivists]]
* [[The Peaceful Intactivists]]
* [[Twin Lakes Intactivists]]
* [[Utah Intactivists]]
* [[White Mountain Intactivists]]
* [[Your Whole Baby: Español]]
removed done pages
* [["Know Better, Do Better"]]
* [[(UN)CUT]]
* [[50 States]]
* [[A Perfect Baby IS a Foreskinned Baby]]
* [[Genital Autonomy - It's a Personal Choice]]
* [[Genital Autonomy Canada]]
* [[Genital Autonomy WNY]]
* [[Genital Cutting of Minors Is Wrong]]
* [[Human Rights Watch]]
* [[I am circumcised and Hate it]]
* [[I Support the San Francisco Ban on Routine Infant Circumcision]]
* [[I Survived Mutilation]]
* [[SkinMedica Aesthetics Is Made From People]]
* [[Society & Culture Website]]
* [[Southern California Circumcision Crisis Protests]]
* [[Stop Doctors & Nurses From Illegally Soliciting Circumcision]]
* [[Students for Genital Integrity]]
* [[Susan Blank is a biased pro-circumcision zealot]]
* [[TaskForce für effektive Prävention von Genitalverstümmelung e.V.]]
* [[Teens Against Routine Infant Circumcision]]
* [[The Intactivism Pages - genital autonomy for all]]
* [[The Intactivist Pages: FB]]
* [[The VMMC Experience Project]]
* [[This Is What An Intactivist Looks Like]]
* [[Tornado Alley Circumcision Crisis Protests]]
* [[Uncensored Parenting - The Truth]]
* [[Uncircumcised = Unharmed]]
* [[United Gay Front Against Circumcision]]
* [[Verbrechen im Namen von Religionen]]
* [[VOICe -Vanderburgh County Opposing Infant Circumcision]]
* [[Vote to Restrict Circumcision Austin Texas]]
* [[We Broke The Cycle]]
* [[Whole Baby Revolution]]
* [[Whole Christian Network]]
* [[Women Affected By Male Circumcision]]
* [[Wright On Foreskin Radio Show]]
* [[Zentrum für Schwangerenbetreuung]]
* https://circumcisionthepainfuldilemma.wordpress.com/