Turbin v. Abbassi

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Turbin v. Abbassi is a 2015 lawsuit that was filed in Los Angeles County, California, USA, by a mother against her former obstetrician. The lawsuit seeks to extend the law of informed consent to procedures that may be performed on a mother during labor and delivery.

The plaintiff is Ms. Kimberly Turbin, a California mother. The defendant is Dr. Alex Abbassi, an obstetrician in Tarzana, California.[1]

Mark Merin of Sacramento represents Ms. Turbin.[1]

Ms. Turbin alleges that Dr. Abbassi performed an episiotomy without her consent, constituting assault and battery.[1]

See also

External links


  1. a b c REFweb Thompson, Dawn (4 June 2015). CALIFORNIA WOMAN CHARGES DOCTOR WITH ASSAULT & BATTERY FOR FORCED EPISIOTOMY. Retrieved 20 June 2020.