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Informed consent

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Many circumcised men, some of whom are [[Circumcised doctors| doctors]], experience a strong denial of loss which in turn fuels an emotional compulsion to repeat the trauma to normalize their loss.<ref>{{REFjournal |last=Van der Kolk BA |first=B.A. [ |url= |title=The compulsion to repeat the trauma: re-enactment, revictimization, and masochism]. '' |journal=Psychiatr Clin North Am''. |date=1989; |volume=12( |issue=2): |pages=389-411.}}</ref><ref>{{REFjournal |last=Goldman |first=R. [ |author-link=Ronald Goldman |url= |title=The psychological impact of circumcision]. '' |journal=BJU Int'' |date=1999; |volume=83 |issue=Suppl. 1: |pages=93-103.}}</ref><ref>{{REFjournal |last=Maguire |first=P, . |last2=Parks CM |first2=C.M. [ |url= |title=Coping with loss: surgery and loss of body parts]. '' |journal=BMJ''. |date=1998; |volume=316( |issue=7137): |pages=1086-8. 1088 retrieved 3/|accessdate=2011-03-18/11}}</ref><ref>{{REFjournal |last=Hill |first=G. [ |author-link=George Hill |url=https://d1wqtxts1xzle7www.cloudfrontliebertpub.netcom/doi/33967758abs/10.1016/j.jmhg.2007-09_Hill.pdf?1402982200=&response-content-disposition=inline%3B+filename%3D2007-09_Hill06.pdf&Expires=1593048723&Signature=Is4Hq0eW0qQcHC2oM-K0d7oVPjsOpA~W8SQ62Sp--8ycfA7Zyk82a4XzuLWjuw5elXVmYzdBo47MjEdR7vZ-yqXVBpGbmH7c1iSeKmvmwPL5r6KSFER~0Sf4cgQsPFOH5rN35sG1MAHYE3M7atzGIear38oyvqq6~B3dCgyk05xD93-E7oZlLvZ-YkNhgdlJv0~7EkRJdV4Pr7vK40xJCY0bxN375KhP8n~edvQYvTNSGrApWqveLKirt7I4UF1opKcESa4Hx4jgiRftrUVjQKTb9Imcw7NjmPaV-QJvGqySxwWtw0UpYVpsy3pKiAYaWmNm2IBGhyTS2WJthJoHmQ__&Key-Pair-Id005 |title=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA The case against circumcision]. '' |journal=J Mens Health Gend''. |date=2007;-08-20 |volume=4( |issue=3): |pages=318-23.323}}</ref><ref>{{REFjournal |last=Goldman |first=R. [ |author-link=Ronald Goldman |url= |title=Circumcision policy: a psychosocial perspective]. '' |journal=Paediatr Child Health'' |date=2004; |volume=9( |issue=9): |pages=630-3.633}}</ref>
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