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NOCIRC South Africa is a Facebook page. They seem to be not affiliated with the California corporation formerly named "National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers", now known as “Genital Autonomy America”.


They stand united against all genital mutilation of unconsenting minors. Routine circumcision of baby boys is already illegal according to the Childrens Act.

Childrens Act

Children's Act, 2005 (Act No. 38 of 2005) ...
Chapter 2: General Principles

  • 12. Social, cultural and religious practices
    8) Circumcision of male children under the age of 16 is prohibited, except when -
    a) circumcision is performed for religious purposes in accordance with the practices of the religion concerned and in the manner prescribed; or
    b) circumcision is performed for medical reasons on the recommendation of a medical practitioner.

External links