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African Circumcision is an African intactivism campaign site, driven by Jane Ayeko Kümmeth and Ulli Schauen from Germany. They will produce 10 to 17 episodes for African radio stations about the VMMC campaign - if their crowdfunding on kickstarter.com is successful.

Help get the "African Circumcision" radioseries out to African radios so that the "target group" of the VMMC campaign can hear and discuss it.

We are developing a Plan B after our initial crowdfunding has failed.

We will notify you about a second chance to support the cause of independent critical reporting in African radios about the mass circumcision campaign in Africa.
– African Circumcision

What is VMMC?

VMMC stands for "Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision". The VMMC campaign was offictially started by the WHO in 2007, is funded by the US Presidential Fund PEPFAR and organized mainly ba the US Centres for Disease Control CDC. Among its supporters is also UNICEF.

External links

See also

[[de:African Circumcision}}