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305 bytes removed, 17:04, 27 December 2018
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== 2012 ==
* April 27 [[MGM]]: [ In May 2012, the Indian Deccan Chronicle reported that two boys in Bodhan had died of uncontrollable bleeding after circumcision.]<ref name="pro"></ref>
* April 17 [[MGM]]: [ Pakistan Today reported the death of 15-day-old infant Ali in April 2012. Ali was to be circumcised in a private clinic, where he died of an injection given him by a doctor.]<ref name="pro" />
== 2011 ==
* September 28 [[MGM]]: [ In September 2011, a two-week-old boy died at Maimonides Hospital in Brooklyn of a herpes infection caused by ritual circumcision with oral aspiration of the blood (Metzitzah b'peh).]<ref name="pro" />
== 2010 ==
* September [[MGM]]: An online Bangladeshi newspaper published the headline in September 2010 that a six-year-old had died before circumcision. Sajjad Hossain Mimu was to be circumcised by a village doctor. He was given three injections of the local anesthetic lidocaine before the operation, whereupon the child became ill and lost consciousness. The father took his son to a hospital where the doctors pronounced Sajjad dead. They suspected that he had died of an overdose of the narcotic. The boy's father planned to file a complaint against the doctor who had fled shortly after the boy's death.<ref name="pro" ></ref>
== 2008 ==
* June 19 [[MGM]]: [ In Treviso, Italy, a Nigerian boy died in June 2008 of cardiac arrest after blood loss after a circumcision performed at home. The baby was called Evidence Obosee Prince Aseh and was two months old, reported the Tribuna di Treviso.]<ref name="pro" />* June 13 [[MGM]]: [ In June 2008, six-week-old Eric Keefe died of circumcision at Rosebud's Indian Health Service Hospital in South Dakota.]<ref name="pro" />
== 2007 ==
* November [[MGM]]: [ Ten-year-old Kuldeep Kumar Vishnubhai Patel died in November 2007 about two hours after his circumcision at Anand Hospital in Unjha, India.]<ref name="pro" />
* July [[MGM]]: In Rawalpindi, Pakistan, a baby died of blood loss in July 2007 after the doctor did not properly perform the circumcision. The operation was carried out in the boy's home, the Daily Times reported.<ref name="pro" />
* June [[MGM]]: [ In Kazan, Russia, the four-year-old Rifat died in June 2007 after a ritual circumcision in the hospital.]<ref name="pro" />
* February [[MGM]]: [ In February 2007, nine-year-old Celian Noumbiwe bleed to death after circumcision by a physician in Reading, Berkshire.]<ref name="pro" />
== 2006 ==
== 2004 ==
* October [[MGM]]: [ In October 2004, a baby died from a herpes infection ten days after being circumcised by a mohel.]<ref name="pro" />
== 2003 ==
* August 17 [[MGM]]: [ As the Guardian reported in September 2003, Callis Osaghae had died three weeks earlier after a botched circumcision.]<ref name="pro" />* April 23 [[MGM]]: [ In Singapore's Electric New Paper, it was reported in June 2007 that four-year-old Nui Jia Yuan had died in 2003 from a crooked circumcision.]<ref name="pro" />
== 2002 ==
* August [[MGM]]: [ Ryleigh novel Bryan McWillis died in August 2002 at the age of one month and one day.]<ref name="pro" />
== 2001 ==
* June 23 [[MGM]]: [ In June 2001, 8-year-old Habibur Rahman died in Bangladesh after being circumcised by a doctor.]<ref name="pro" />
== 1999 ==
* August [[MGM]]: [ In August 1999, a three-year-old boy was circumcised in Stockholm by a doctor. He was dead a few hours after the procedure.]<ref name="pro" />
== 1998 ==
* October 20 [[MGM]]: [ NewsNet4 of Cleveland, Ohio, USA reported in October 1998 on the death of infant Dustin Evans.]<ref name="pro" />
== 1995 ==
* July 28 [[MGM]]: [ In July 1995, the Houston Chronicle (Texas, USA) reported the death of five-year-old Jeremie Johnson.]<ref name="pro" />
== 1993 ==
* June 21 [[MGM]]: [ The Miami Herald reported in June 1993, the six-month-old Demetrius Manker bleeding after a routine circumcision.]<ref name="pro" /> 
== Antiquity ==
The fact that circumcision in infants regularly led to deaths is shown by the fact that the Talmud<ref></ref> provides for when the first two (or three) sons have died after circumcision, subsequent sons no longer need to be circumcised.
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