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7,051 bytes added, 16:54, 27 December 2018
Created page with "This article collects reports of children who have died as a result of genital mutilation. Of course, the list does not claim to be exhaustive. == 2018 == * December..."
This article collects reports of children who have died as a result of [[HGM|genital mutilation]]. Of course, the list does not claim to be exhaustive.

== 2018 ==
* December 23 [[MGM]]: [ Italy: Toddler dies from bleeding after his circumcision], 1 boy, 2 years
* December 23 [[MGM]]: [ South Africa: Deads after circumcision], 21 boys, adolescent
* December 21 [[FGM]]: [ Sierra Leone: Bloody ritual with deadly consequences], 1 girl, 10 years

== 2006 ==
* August 07 [[MGM]]: [ Dead Franjo: penalty for female doctor reduced to 18 months], 1 boy (Franjo O.), 4 years

== 2012 ==
* April 27 [[MGM]]: [ In May 2012, the Indian Deccan Chronicle reported that two boys in Bodhan had died of uncontrollable bleeding after circumcision.]<ref name="pro"></ref>

* April 17 [[MGM]]: [ Pakistan Today reported the death of 15-day-old infant Ali in April 2012. Ali was to be circumcised in a private clinic, where he died of an injection given him by a doctor.]<ref name="pro" />

== 2011 ==
* September 28 [[MGM]]: [ In September 2011, a two-week-old boy died at Maimonides Hospital in Brooklyn of a herpes infection caused by ritual circumcision with oral aspiration of the blood (Metzitzah b'peh).]<ref name="pro" />

== 2010 ==
* September [[MGM]]: An online Bangladeshi newspaper published the headline in September 2010 that a six-year-old had died before circumcision. Sajjad Hossain Mimu was to be circumcised by a village doctor. He was given three injections of the local anesthetic lidocaine before the operation, whereupon the child became ill and lost consciousness. The father took his son to a hospital where the doctors pronounced Sajjad dead. They suspected that he had died of an overdose of the narcotic. The boy's father planned to file a complaint against the doctor who had fled shortly after the boy's death.<ref name="pro" />

== 2008 ==
* June 19 [[MGM]]: [ In Treviso, Italy, a Nigerian boy died in June 2008 of cardiac arrest after blood loss after a circumcision performed at home. The baby was called Evidence Obosee Prince Aseh and was two months old, reported the Tribuna di Treviso.]<ref name="pro" />
* June 13 [[MGM]]: [ In June 2008, six-week-old Eric Keefe died of circumcision at Rosebud's Indian Health Service Hospital in South Dakota.]<ref name="pro" />

== 2007 ==
* November [[MGM]]: [ Ten-year-old Kuldeep Kumar Vishnubhai Patel died in November 2007 about two hours after his circumcision at Anand Hospital in Unjha, India.]<ref name="pro" />

* July [[MGM]]: In Rawalpindi, Pakistan, a baby died of blood loss in July 2007 after the doctor did not properly perform the circumcision. The operation was carried out in the boy's home, the Daily Times reported.<ref name="pro" />

* June [[MGM]]: [ In Kazan, Russia, the four-year-old Rifat died in June 2007 after a ritual circumcision in the hospital.]<ref name="pro" />

* February [[MGM]]: [ In February 2007, nine-year-old Celian Noumbiwe bleed to death after circumcision by a physician in Reading, Berkshire.]<ref name="pro" />

== 2006 ==
* [[MGM]]: The son of Ramil Sadekov, the imam of the historic mosque in Moscow, Salikh Sadekow was only a month old. The imam had contacted the circumciser due to an advertising campaign, and the operation was carried out in the imam's apartment. At first, it seemed that the circumcision had been successful and uncomplicated, but Salikh's condition soon began to deteriorate rapidly. At 5am, parents noticed that their baby was breathing slower than usual. His fingers became cold and green. He died of blood loss before the ambulance arrived.<ref name="pro" />

== 2004 ==
* October [[MGM]]: [ In October 2004, a baby died from a herpes infection ten days after being circumcised by a mohel.]<ref name="pro" />

== 2003 ==
* August 17 [[MGM]]: [ As the Guardian reported in September 2003, Callis Osaghae had died three weeks earlier after a botched circumcision.]<ref name="pro" />
* April 23 [[MGM]]: [ In Singapore's Electric New Paper, it was reported in June 2007 that four-year-old Nui Jia Yuan had died in 2003 from a crooked circumcision.]<ref name="pro" />

== 2002 ==
* August [[MGM]]: [ Ryleigh novel Bryan McWillis died in August 2002 at the age of one month and one day.]<ref name="pro" />

== 2001 ==
* June 23 [[MGM]]: [ In June 2001, 8-year-old Habibur Rahman died in Bangladesh after being circumcised by a doctor.]<ref name="pro" />

== 1999 ==
* August [[MGM]]: [ In August 1999, a three-year-old boy was circumcised in Stockholm by a doctor. He was dead a few hours after the procedure.]<ref name="pro" />

== 1998 ==
* October 20 [[MGM]]: [ NewsNet4 of Cleveland, Ohio, USA reported in October 1998 on the death of infant Dustin Evans.]<ref name="pro" />

== 1995 ==
* July 28 [[MGM]]: [ In July 1995, the Houston Chronicle (Texas, USA) reported the death of five-year-old Jeremie Johnson.]<ref name="pro" />

== 1993 ==
* June 21 [[MGM]]: [ The Miami Herald reported in June 1993, the six-month-old Demetrius Manker bleeding after a routine circumcision.]<ref name="pro" />
== Antiquity ==
The fact that circumcision in infants regularly led to deaths is shown by the fact that the Talmud<ref></ref> provides for when the first two (or three) sons have died after circumcision, subsequent sons no longer need to be circumcised.


* [ Facebook page: Online memorial for all victims of child circumcision], German

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