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Ambiguous genitalia

4 bytes added, 15:23, 23 December 2021
wikify clitoromegaly
The urethral opening start outside the phallus, but during the masculinization process it migrates to the center of the glans, forming the meatus. During the development of the female, the urethral opening remains underneath the phallus ([[clitoris]]), inside the vaginal opening.
Variations in the amount of testosterone or the fetal reaction to it during the development of the genitals may cause male genitals to be underdeveloped or feminized, or female genitals to become masculinized with what is known as a "hypertrophic" [[clitoris]] or [[clitoromegaly]].
When the male genital is underdeveloped and the meatus is located on the ventral aspect of the penis, rather than the center of the glans, it is called hypospadiac. There are varying degrees with hypospadias, with the more severe ones presenting the urethral opening as a small cloacal opening that looks like a small vagina.
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