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Revision as of 15:42, 10 October 2019

Male Circumcision Model Trainer Simulators

Male Circumcision Model Trainer Simulators. The Circumcision Trainers have been developed with the assistance from one of the top medical schools in Wisconsin, as well as medical professionals in South Africa and Indonesia. The trainers include the foreskin, glans penis, frenulum, meatus, and coronal groove. These trainers are made with our soft, lifelike material, which is pliable, delicate, and realistic to the touch. Medical students, physicians, and other practitioners can learn, practice, and improve realistic, hands-on skills for this delicate procedure without the worry of learning on a live patient. Practice simulating dorsal block injection, separating the inner lining of the foreskin (preputial epithelium) from its attachment to the glans, surgical removal of the foreskin, and suturing techniques.[1]


  1. REFweb Male Circumcision Model Trainer Simulators, Buy a mag. Retrieved 26 December 2012.