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Journal references on the IntactiWiki use the AMA notation style with abbreviations for the titles of scientific journals.
Abbreviation | Journal name | ISSN |
AAA | American Anthropological Association | |
Acta Med Scand | Acta Medica Scandinavica | 0001-6101 |
Acta Paediatr Scand | Acta paediatrica Scandinavica | 0300-8843 |
AJAR | African Journal of AIDS Research | 1608-5906 |
Am J Dis Child | American Journal of Diseases of Children | 0002-922X |
Am J Obstet | American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology | 0002-9378 |
Am J Prev Med | American Journal of Preventive Medicine | 0749-3797 |
AMA | American Medical Association | |
AMA Arch Neurol Psychiatry | AMA Archives of Neurology and Pswychiatry | |
AMA J Dis Child | AMA Journal of Diseases of Children | 0096-8994 |
Ann Intern Med | Annals of Internal Medicine | |
Ann Surg | Annals of Surgery | |
Arch Dermatol | Archives of Dermatology | |
Arch Dis Childh | Archives of Diseases in Childhood | |
Arch Pathol | Archives of Pathology | |
Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med | Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine | |
Arch Sex Behav | Archives of Sexual Behavior | |
Biol Reprod | Biology of Reproduction | |
BMJ | British medical journal | |
Br J Cancer | British Journal of Cancer | |
Br J Dermatol | British Journal of Dermatology | |
Br J Urol | British Journal of Urology | |
Br J Vener Dis | British Journal of Venereal Disease | |
Cancer Res | Cancer Research | |
CLP | Clinical Pediatrics | |
CMAJ | Canadian Medical Association Journal | |
Cochrane Database Syst Rev | Cochrane Database Systematic Review | |
Dev Psychobiol | Developmental Psychobiology | |
Fact | Fact (UK magazine) | |
Fam Circle | Family Circle | |
GP | General Practicioner | |
Hum Nat | Human Nature journal | |
Hustler | Hustler Magazine | |
ICEA | International Childbirth Education Association | |
Ill Med J | The Illinois Medical Journal | |
Int J Psychoanal Psychother | International journal of psychoanalytic psychotherapy | |
Int J STD AIDS | International Journal of STD & AIDS | |
Int J Surg | International Surgery | |
J Am Med Womens Assoc | Journal of the American Medical Women’s Association | |
J Am Psychoanal Assoc | Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association | |
J Fam Pract | Journal of Family Practice | |
J Infect Dis | Journal of Infectious Diseases | |
J Med Assoc Ga | The Journal of the Medical Association of Georgia | |
J Obstet Gynaecol Br Commonw | The Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology of the British Commonwealth | |
J Obstet Gynaecol Br Emp | The Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology of the British Empire | |
J Pediatr | The Journal of pediatrics | |
J Urol | The Journal of Urology | |
JAMA | Journal of the American Medical Association | 1538-3598 |
JID | Journal of Investigative Dermatology | |
JNCI | Journal of the National Cancer Institute | |
JPHiA | The Journal of Public Health in Africa | |
JSM | Journal of Sexual Medicine | |
Lancet | The Lancet | |
Med J Aust | The Medical Journal of Australia | |
Med Trib | Medical Tribune | |
Med Aspects Human Sexuality | Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality | |
Med Times | Medical Times | |
MNT | Medical News Today | |
Mothering | Mothering: The Magazine of Natural Family Living | |
N Engl J Med | New England Journal of Medicine | |
Northwest Med | Northwest medicine | |
NY State J Med | New York State Journal of Medicine | |
Obstet Gynecol | Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology | |
Ohio State Med J | The Ohio State medical journal | |
PLoS Med | PLoS Medicine | |
Practitioner | The Practicioner | 0032-6518 |
Psychiatry J | Psychiatry journal | |
Psychoanal Q | Psychoanalytical Quarterly | |
Psychosom Med | Psychosomatic Medicine | |
SAMJ | South African Medical Journal | |
Sex Med Today | Sexual Medicine Today | |
Sex Transm Infect | Sexually Transmitted Infections (journal) | |
South Med J | Southern Medical Journal | |
SRHM | Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters (formerly: Reproductive Health Matters) | |
Urol Clin North Am | Urologic Clinics of North America |
External links
Access to the LTWA
, Retrieved 31 December 2020.
Quote:LTWA stands for “List of Title Word Abbreviations.”