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Ulf Dunkel

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released Komikernation Deutschland; added CIAF
[[File:UlfDunkel_FBUlf Dunkel 2021.jpg|thumb|Ulf Dunkel, September 20112021]]'''Ulf Dunkel''' (* August 27pronounced ˈʊlf ˈdʊnkəl, {{LifeData |birth=1962 in -08-27 |birthplace=Löningen, |birthcountry=Germany}}) is a German salesman, politician, author, composer and [[intactivist ]] who engages since Summer 2012 to outlaw the medically not indicated circumcision of boys. He is father of five children and [[Greens ]] politician.
In several Open Letters to all members of the Bundestag and with a 'Poem on the Abolition of Human Rights for Children in Germany', he tried to provide the Bundestag with information and to motivate them to disagree with the [[German Circumcision Act|legalization of not medically indicated circumcision of boys]] which German Chancellor Merkel had already required in Summer 2012.
== Alternative law draft amendment to § 1631 BGB ==
In October 2012 after a longer discussion with [[Volker Beck]], Dunkel wrote an [[Alternative law draft amendment to § 1631 BGB]]. He presented this draft on the 34th Federal Delegates Conference of his Party, the German [[Greens]], in November 2012 in Hannover (Germany). Together with all other requests of others on the topic [[circumcision]], his draft suggestion was moved from the Conference to a so-called "Religion-political Commission". This commission didn't discuss the draft requests to date.
== Shitstorm ==
Because of his His critical statements about the legitimation of [[German Circumcision Act]] § 1631d BGB in many discussions, because of his burst of rage <ref>Circulated by a denouncer as a ''poem'' in the media, this textual outburst of anger has been claimed time and again since then as an alleged second poem by Ulf Dunkel on the subject of genital mutilation. In the outburst of anger, Dunkel accused all parents around the world who genitally mutilated their children of being a**holes and fanatics.</ref> which he posted on Facebook after having watched the [[circumcision]] documentation film [[It´s A Boy!]], and because of his poem ''("Gedicht zur Abschaffung der Menschenrechte in Deutschland" - "Poem On the Abolition of Human Rights in Germany")'' , Dunkel was denounced by caused a person from Frankfurt/Main (Germany) in the media as an shitstorm with [[Anti-Semitism|anti-Semite, which at the end of 2012 and in early 2013 caused a media shitstormSemitism]] accusations, a death threat and other threatening phone calls for Dunkel and his family. To take the pressure from his family, Dunkel declined on a possible seat in parliament, but this waiver was formally no longer possible and therefore invalid. Dunkel therefore still was technically a possible substitute for the parliament of Lower Saxony in the 17th legislative term (2013-2017).
== Party exclusion procedure discontinued ==
The same person also denounced Dunkel in his party which led to a party exclusion procedure. The [[Greens ]] Executive Committee of Lower Saxony had requested Dunkel's exclusion of the party. In late February, 2014, Dunkel and his Executive Committee made a comparison, which waived the reproach of being anti-semitic and xenophobic. Dunkel confirmed that his statements in the [[Circumcision Debate]] in 2012 had served anti-semitic steretypesunintendedly. He again dissociated himself strictly from [[Anti-Semitism|anti-semitism]] and xenophobia. The regional party arbitral tribunal warned him because of these expressions. The proceeding was discontinued; revision was not allowed.<ref></ref> == Charge rejected ==In January 2013, the same person provided criminal complaint against Dunkel at the Prosecutor Oldenburg "on suspicion of sedition and of pretending a crime"<ref>Letter of the denouncer from 2013-01-12 to the Prosecutor OL</ref> according to § 130 + 145 StGB and because of insulting according to § 185 + 186 StGB. The procedure was stopped by the Prosecutor OL as being unfounded according to § 170 Abs. 2 StPO. The denouncer appealed a complaint against this, which was also dismissed by the General Prosecutor Oldenburg as unfounded.<ref></ref> The complained offenses were not present. Dunkel had "just critized the untenable influence of the Jewish community or individuals of Jewish life in the legislative process"<ref>Reply of the GP OL to the denouncer, 2013-08-02, page 4</ref>. The GP OL practiced clear criticism of the objections of the denouncer: "As far as you try beyond the accused to prove Nazi agitation, your conclusions appear designed, such as the identification of utilizing the concept of German guilt in quotation marks with the denial of the Holocaust. [...] Your complaint is simply based on assumptions."<ref>Reply of the GP OL to the denouncer, 2013-08-02, page 4</ref>
== Collective Cognitive Dissonance ==
In the [[Circumcision Debate]] 2012, Ulf Dunkel created the concept of [[Collective Cognitive Dissonance]] which describes the issue of cognitive dissonance for a group of persons, even existing over generations. The [[Circumpendium]] informs about this psychological phenomenon as follows:
It can frequently be found that the loss is denied, much as happens with the loss of other body parts. This denial can lead to fathers having their sons circumcised in order not to be reminded of their own loss. In this process, their own body is defined as "normal" and the [[foreskin]] redefined as a foreign object. Their own parents are seen as "good", so that this image is projected onto the circumcision their parents carried out as well, in order to keep the positive emotion intact. The father wants to be a "good" father later in life as well, and so, following an idealised image of his own parents, circumcision, which has been redefined as a "good thing", is passed on to his son by having him circumcised as well.<ref>van der Kolk BA. The compulsion to repeat the trauma: re-enactment, revictimization, and masochism. Psychiatr Clin North Am {{VanderKolkBA 1989;12(2):389-411.}}</ref><ref>{{REFjournal |last=Goldman |init=R |author-link=Ronald Goldman |url=http://www. |title=The psychological impact of circumcision. |journal=BJU Int |date=1999; |volume=83 |issue=Suppl. 1: |pages=93-103.}}</ref>
== Political engagement ==
Since 1998, Ulf Dunkel is member of the German [[GREENS]] party (with a break of five years), was member of the District Association of Cloppenburg, elected member of local parliaments like the city council, and candidate for the German Bundestag and Landtag of Lower Saxony. From July 2015 to March 2018, he was the organizational manager of the [[GREENS]] District Association of Cloppenburg<ref>{{REFweb |archive-url= |url= |archived=no |title=GRÜNE KV Cloppenburg: Geschäftsführung des Kreisverbands |trans-title=GREENS Cloppenburg: Management of the district association |language=German |accessdate=2021-10-30}}</ref> He still engages in his party for the integrity of all children, including as a member of the [[Bundesweiter Arbeitskreis Säkulare Grüne|BAK Säkulare Grüne]], through educational work and sharp criticism of the proponents of the [[German Circumcision Act]] in his political party. Since July 2015, he is the organizational manager of the GREENS District Association of Cloppenburg<ref></ref>
In 2021, Dunkel ran as a GREEN candidate for the local city council and district council.<ref>{{REFweb |url= |title=Wir kandidieren: Ulf Dunkel |trans-title=We are running: Ulf Dunkel |language= Books German |website=GRÜNE Cloppenburg |date=2021-06 |accessdate=2021-06-07}}</ref> He did not win a mandate, but has been a member of the district council again as the first successor since July 2022 and parliamentary group leader since December 2022. {{PUB}}* "[[Komikernation Deutschland]]: Die Beschneidungsdebatte 2012 in Deutschland und die weltweiten Folgen" (''"Comedian Nation Germany: The 2012 circumcision debate in Germany and the global consequences"''), 2023.* "Beschneidung ist Betrug: Und die bevorstehende rechtliche Abrechnung", German translation of the English book "[[Circumcision Is A Fraud: And The Coming Legal Reckoning]]" by [[Peter W. Adler]], 2022.* "[[de_intactiwiki:Beschneidung: Das schmerzhafte Dilemma|Beschneidung: Das schmerzhafte Dilemma]]", German translation of the 2nd edition of the standard work by the late [[Rosemary Romberg]], 2021.* "[[Circumcision: The Painful Dilemma]]", 2nd edition of the standard work by the late [[Rosemary Romberg]], 2021.* "Beschneidung infragestellen: Eine jüdische Perspektive", German translation of the English book "[[Questioning Circumcision: A Jewish Perspective]]"<ref></ref> by [[Ronald Goldman]], 2019.* "Beschneidung - das verborgene Trauma", German translation of the English book "[[Circumcision: The Hidden Trauma]]"<ref></ref> by [[Ronald Goldman]], 2019.* [ümmelungen-Beschnittene-sprechen-darüber/dp/1516854705/ "Unaussprechliche Verstümmelungen: Beschnittene Männer sprechen darüber"], German translation of the English book "[[Unspeakable Mutilations]] " by [[Lindsay R. Watson]], 2015.* "Beschneidung - : Mythen und Fakten" (''"Circumcision - : Myths and Facts"'', unreleased yet)* "Beschneidung - das verborgene Trauma: Wie eine amerikanische kulturelle Praxis Kinder und letztlich uns alle beeinflusst", translation of the English book "''Circumcision the Hidden Trauma: How an American Cultural Practice Affects Infants and Ultimately Us All''" by [[Ronald Goldman]], unreleased yet.
== Other publications about intactivism ==
* {{REFweb |url= |title=10 years of circumcision debate in Germany |last=Dunkel |first=Ulf |author-link=Ulf Dunkel |publisher=[[Intact America]] |date=2022-07-28 |accessdate=2022-11-15}}* {{REFweb |url= |title=Intactivism is not about Jews, but about children’s rights |last=Dunkel |first=Ulf |author-link=Ulf Dunkel |date=2022-05-18 |accessdate=2022-05-18}}* {{REFweb |url= |title=UNICEF, bitte keine Doppelmoral mehr |trans-title=UNICEF, please no more double standards |language=German |last=Dunkel |first=Ulf |author-link=Ulf Dunkel |date=2021-07-18 |accessdate=2021-07-19}}* {{REFnews |url= |title=Fangt endlich an, vom Kind her zu denken], ''( |trans-title=At last, start thinking from the child's point of view)''; in '' |language=German |publisher=Der Freitag'', March |last=Dunkel |first=Ulf |author-link=Ulf Dunkel |date=2016-03-20, 2016 |accessdate=2020-05-02}}* [{{REFweb |url= |title=Noch mehr Doppelmoral], ''( |trans-title=Even more double standards)'', December |language=German |last=Dunkel |first=Ulf |author-link=Ulf Dunkel |date=2015-12-12, 2015 |accessdate=2020-05-02}}* [{{REFweb |url= |title=Grüne Doppelmoral], ''( |trans-title=Green Double Standards)'', November |language=German |last=Dunkel |first=Ulf |author-link=Ulf Dunkel |date=2015-11-24, 2015 ( |accessdate=2020-05-02}} - see also: [[Double Standardstandard]])* [{{REFweb |url= |title=Unaussprechliche Verstümmelungen], ''( |trans-title=[Unspeakable Mutilations)'', August ] |language=German |last=Dunkel |first=Ulf |author-link=Ulf Dunkel |date=2015-08-18, 2015 |accessdate=2020-05-02}}* [{{REFnews |url= |title=Pressemeldung zur Veröffentlichung von Celebrating Brit Shalom: Brit Shalom statt Beschneidung], ''( |trans-title=Press release for Celebrating Brit Shalom release: Brit Shalom instead of circumcision)'', in '' |language=German |last=Dunkel |first=Ulf |author-link=Ulf Dunkel |publisher=[[HPD|Humanistischer Pressedienst'', May ]] |date=2015-05-15, 2015 |accessdate=2020-05-02}}* [{{REFweb |url= |title=FGM folgt MGM |trans-title=FGM follows MGM], July |language=German |last=Dunkel |first=Ulf |author-link=Ulf Dunkel |date=2014-07-25, 2014 |accessdate=2020-05-02}}* [{{REFweb |url= |title=Alternativer Gesetzesänderung-Entwurf § 1631 BGB |trans-title=Alternative law draft amendment to § 1631 BGB], October |language=German |last=Dunkel |first=Ulf |author-link=Ulf Dunkel |date=2012-10-30, 2012, |accessdate=2020-05-02}} proposed law enhancement for the 31st Federal Delegate Conference of the German [[Greens ]] at the end of 2012 ([[Alternative law draft amendment to § 1631 BGB|English text here]])* [{{REFweb |original-url= guest |url= |title=Gastartikel: Mein Kommentar an den Deutschen Ethikrat wg. seiner Empfehlung an die Bundesregierung |trans-title=Guest article: My comment to the German Ethics Council on their recommendation to the German Federal Government] at |language=German |last=Dunkel |first=Ulf |author-link=Ulf Dunkel |publisher=[[MOGiS e.V.]], August |date=2012-08-27, 2012  |accessdate== References ==2020-05-02<references />}}
== External links ==* [ Press article about the release of [[Celebrating Brit Shalom]]: "Brit Shalom instead of Circumcision"], [[HPD]], May 15, 2015 (German)* [ Blog article: FGM follows MGM], (German/English){{LINKS}}
* [ Greens Party Convent #34, Nov. 2012: Introducing V48 by Ulf Dunkel and others, speaker: Ulf Dunkel]
* [ Greens Party Convent #34, Nov. 2012: Reply to V24 by Sergey Lagodinsky, speaker: Ulf Dunkel]
* [ Blog article: Alternative law draft amendment to § 1631 BGB], (German)
{{REF}} {{DEFAULTSORT:Dunkel, Ulf}} [[Category:Person]][[Category:Male]] 
[[de:Ulf Dunkel]]
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