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Ulf Dunkel

24 bytes added, 12:32, 2 January 2023
[[File:Ulf Dunkel 2021.jpg|thumb|Ulf Dunkel 2021]]
'''Ulf Dunkel''' (pronounced ˈʊlf ˈdʊnkəl, {{LifeData |birth=1962-08-27 |birthplace=Löningen |birthcountry=Germany}}) is a German salesman, politician, author, composer and [[intactivist]] who engages since Summer 2012 to outlaw the medically not indicated circumcision of boys. He is father of five children and [[Greens ]] politician.
In several Open Letters to all members of the Bundestag and with a 'Poem on the Abolition of Human Rights for Children in Germany', he tried to provide the Bundestag with information and to motivate them to disagree with the [[German Circumcision Act|legalization of not medically indicated circumcision of boys]] which German Chancellor Merkel had already required in Summer 2012.
== Alternative law draft amendment to § 1631 BGB ==
In October 2012 after a longer discussion with [[Volker Beck]], Dunkel wrote an [[Alternative law draft amendment to § 1631 BGB]]. He presented this draft on the 34th Federal Delegates Conference of his Party, the German [[Greens]], in November 2012 in Hannover (Germany). Together with all other requests of others on the topic [[circumcision]], his draft suggestion was moved from the Conference to a so-called "Religion-political Commission". This commission didn't discuss the draft requests to date.
== Shitstorm ==
== Party exclusion procedure discontinued ==
The [[Greens ]] Executive Committee of Lower Saxony had requested Dunkel's exclusion of the party. In late February, 2014, Dunkel and his Executive Committee made a comparison, which waived the reproach of being anti-semitic and xenophobic. Dunkel confirmed that his statements in the [[Circumcision Debate]] in 2012 had served anti-semitic steretypes unintendedly. He again dissociated himself strictly from [[Anti-Semitism|anti-semitism]] and xenophobia. The regional party arbitral tribunal warned him because of these expressions. The proceeding was discontinued; revision was not allowed.<ref></ref>
== Collective Cognitive Dissonance ==
== Political engagement ==
Since 1998, Ulf Dunkel is member of the German [[GREENS ]] party (with a break of five years), was member of the District Association of Cloppenburg, elected member of local parliaments like the city council, and candidate for the German Bundestag and Landtag of Lower Saxony. From July 2015 to March 2018, he was the organizational manager of the [[GREENS ]] District Association of Cloppenburg<ref>{{REFweb
}} proposed law enhancement for the 31st Federal Delegate Conference of the German [[Greens ]] at the end of 2012 ([[Alternative law draft amendment to § 1631 BGB|English text here]])
* {{REFweb
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