David Atkinson

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David Atkinson

David Atkinson is an intactivist and CEO / Co-Director at Bloodstained Men.

David first wore the bloodstained suit in September 2014, and soon thereafter became a regular participant in BSM tours around the country. When not on the road, he works on various IT projects in the Boston metro area. David has a master's degree in Operations Research from Stony Brook University, where he also earned his B.S. in Mathematics. In his free time he enjoys playing the marimba, visiting his nieces and nephews, and using google maps to find good protest locations.[1]

See also

External links


  1. [Template fetch failed for https://pool.intactiwiki.org/index.php/Template:POOLIconREFweb?action=raw: HTTP 0] (15 September 2019). Board of Directors, BSM. Retrieved 17 September 2019.