Karen A. Duggan

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Karen A. Duggan from Sydney, Australia, is Nephrologist (renal specialist)[1].


Duggan is member of the alleged medical organisation Circumcision Academy of Australia, driven by circumfetishist Brian J. Morris.

Research about Duggan

The Intactivists of Australasia have collected more information about Duggan as quoted below:

Duggan is a Sydney based Nephrologist (renal specialist). She is listed as a co-author of the CAA’s defining document, ‘Infant male circumcision: An evidence based policy statement’.

In its discussion of urinary tract infections (UTI’s) and renal disease, the CAA document claimed that a UK study had found that ‘cumulative prevalence (of UTI’s) to age 16 was 3.6% in uncircumcised boys’, however the article in question actually made no reference at all to the circumcision status of the boys included in its study. The CAA document also falsely claimed that circumcision ‘protects against recurrence’ of UTI’s. It cited an article in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) as supporting evidence for that claim, however the JAMA article stated quite clearly that ‘the lack of circumcision documentation in 47% of male children limited our ability to accurately assess risk based on this important factor’.[1]

See also


  1. Jump up to: a b REFweb (23 August 2012). Meet the Circumcision Academy of Australia. Retrieved 7 July 2022.