Remain Intact Organization

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The Remain Intact Organization appears to have been an Intactivist organization that was founded by Russell George Zangger on Christian principles set forth at the Council at Jerusalem in which Jewish views based on the Abrahamic covenant were rejected and Christians were called on to remain intact.

According to the Zangger obituary:

Russell believes in the Creator and that His design is perfect. For every function there is a reason but some intellectuals believe they can improve upon it through ritualistic alterations for a variety of invalid reasons. A practice introduced in the Old Testament and originally supported by the medical profession as “routine” has since been proven medically unjustifiable by The American Medical Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics. Many myths exist but far more harm will be done with the procedure than without.

It is Russell’s dying wish that people will learn to honor and respect God’s design as perfect and that, as Christians, will come to understand the New Testament (Covenant) speaks against this practice. Christ came for our salvation and has given us the New Covenant to guide us. Russell is at peace with his relationship with Christ and is looking forward to the rest of his days with him.
– Russell Zangger obituary[1]

Zanger died on 24 September 2012 at the age of 90.[1] It appears that the Remain Intact Organization died with him.


  1. Jump up to: a b REFweb Obituary of Russell G. Zangger, Zangger Vintage Airpark. Retrieved 19 December 2021.