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Sixth International Symposium

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<br>The '''Sixth International Symposium''' on Genital Integrity convened at the [ University of Sydney], Sidney, New South Wales, Australia on December 7-9, 2000.
== Proceedings ==
0800–0900: Registration<br>
0900–0915: Welcome and Opening Remarks• ''Marilyn Milos and George Williams''<br>0915–1000: Keynote Address: Ending Enforced Genital Cutting of Children and Violation of Their Human Rights: Ethical, Psychological and Legal Considerations• ''Gregory J. Boyle''<br>1000–1115: An Overview <br>''George Williams, Moderator '' Historical Revisionism in Recent Medical History: An Exposé and Analysis <br>''Frederick Mansfield Hodges '' A Source of Serious Mischief: The Demonisation of the Foreskin and the Rise of Preventive Circumcision in Australia, 1880–1930 <br>''Robert Darby '' Compulsion to Circumcise is Constant, the Reasons Keep Changing <br>''Michael Katz''<br>
1115–1130: Break
1130–1300: Legal and Ethical Considerations of Genital Mutilation • ''George Williams, Moderator '' Comparative Legal Analysis of Body Mutilation Practices on Children • ''J. Steven Svoboda '' Equal Protection Case Studies in the Scope and Limit of Gender-Based Discrimination Under State and Federal Constitutions • ''Zenas Baer '' Human Rights of Children in the New Millennium: Legal Developments in the Fight for Children’s Genital Integrity Throughout the World • ''Charles Bonner '' Doctors, Be Warned! Circumcise Today and You Could Be Sued Tomorrow! • J. Neville Turner<br>1300–1430: Lunch <br>1430–1600: Religious Considerations• ''Tina Kimmel, Moderator '' An Epistolary Debate with David Ben Gurion About Jewish Circumcision: The Psychoanalytic Outlook <br> ''Moisés Tractenberg '' Attitude, Knowledge, and Change Among Israeli Jewish Students Regarding Male Genital Mutilation <br>''Avshalom Zoossmann-Diskin, Avraham Kahana, Ronit Tamir Bris Shalem'': Toward a Covenant of Wholeness <br>''Samuel Richmond '' Limitations to Practices of a Belief or Religion in Interna-tional International Human Rights Law – Case Study: Genital Mutilation in the Judaic Tradition • ''LeYoni Junos''<br>
1600–1615: Break
1615–1700: Breaking Through Medical and Media Bias• ''Tina Kimmel, Moderator''<br><br>
The White Coat of Silence: How to Create Change in Medical School Curricula and Survive Physician Opposition • ''Norma Wilcox''<br>
The Struggle for Media Access and International Recognition ''Shelton• Harrison Walden''<br>
1700–1730: Discussion
== Sponsor ==

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