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<center><big>Thursday, 24 August</big></center>
'''8:00''' Registration<br> '''8:30''' Welcome and Opening Remarks – Marilyn Milos, John Geisheker, and Peter Ball<br> '''9:00''' The Delusional Psychologies of Circumcision and Civilization– David Chamberlain<br>
'''10:00''' Determining the Best Interest of the Child: A comparative approach to professional medical guidance for relating male circumcision – Marie Fox and Michael Thomson<br>
'''11:00''' Break<br>
'''12:00''' Circumcision Mythologies in Conflict with Logic, Reason, and Common Sense – Steve Scott
'''12:30''' Lunch – On Your Own<br>
'''2:00''' Consequences of Female Genital Mutilation on Global Health and Sexuality – Olaoye Olusoji Emmanuel<br> '''2:20''' Medical Interventions on Women’s Genitals: Historical Texts and Contemporary Discourse – Noel Gazzano<br> '''2:40''' Female Genital Modifications in Malawi: A Field Research – Debora Moro<br> '''3:00''' The Ritual Use of Herbs for Female Genital Modifications in Africa – Franco Viviani<br> '''3:20''' Ten Years of Merka’s Alternative Rite in Somalia (1996-2005): From “Sunna Gudnin” to “Gudnin Usub” – Franco Viviani<br> '''3:40''' Break<br> '''4:00''' Muslims and Circumcision– Mostafa K. Al-Madawi<br> '''4:20''' Changing People’s Minds about Circumcision – Patricia Robinett<br> '''4:40''' Special Guest: Singer/Songwriter – Jess Grant<br> '''5:00''' Dinner On Your Own<br>
<center><big>Friday, 25 August</big></center>
'''8:30''' Registration<br> '''9:00''' “Toxic Irritation of the Nervous System” Abraham Wolbarst and the Industrial Implementation of Eugenic Circumcision – Frederick Hodges<br> 9:30 Excuses for Circumcision: Some Byways of Penile Anatomy – Ken McGrath<br> '''9:50''' The Perils of Circumcision – James Snyder10:10 Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus: A Risk of Circumcised Boys – George Hill<br>
'''10:30''' Conservative Management of Foreskin Problems – John Dalton<br>
'''11:00''' Break<br>
'''12:00''' Image: Are We Right or Wrong?– David Smith<br>
'''12:30''' Lunch on Your Own<br>
'''2:00''' “Real Men”: Foreskin Cutting and Male Identity in the Philippines – Leonard Glick<br> '''2:20''' Filipino Male Experience of Ritual Circumcision: Perspectus and Insights for Philippine-Based Anti-Circumcision Advocacy – Romeo B. Lee<br> '''2:40''' Traditional Male Circumcision in West Timor, Indonesia: Practices, Myths, and their Impact on the Spread of HIV/AIDS and Gender Relations – Primus Lake<br> '''3:00''' Report from NOCIRC of Ireland– Linda Massie<br> '''3:20''' News from NORM-UK – John Warren<br> '''3:40''' Break<br> '''4:00''' Male Circumcision in Europe: Is There Anything We Can Do? – Yngve Hofvander<br> '''4:20''' Foreskins for Keeps: A Midwife’s Project to End Circumcision – Gloria Lemay<br> '''4:40''' Circumcision in the Mass Media– Hugh Young<br> '''5:00''' Dinner On Your Own<br>
<center><big>Saturday, 26 August</big></center>
'''8:30 ''' Registration<br> '''9:00 ''' Coding, Reporting, and Analyzing Circumcision Data – Georganne Chapin<br> '''9:30 ''' A Treatise From the Trenches: Why Are Circumcision Lawsuits So Hard to Win?– J. Steven Svoboda<br> '''9:50 ''' Winning and Losing on the Circuit– David J. Llewellyn<br>'''10:10 ''' Switching Gears in Washington State: From Individual Lawsuits to Writ of Mandamus – John Geisheker<br>'''10:30 ''' The MGM Bill Proposals: A Legislative Strategy for Protecting US boys from Circumcision – Matthew Hess<br>'''11:00 ''' Break<br>'''11:30 ''' Ending Non-religious Circumcision: Supply vs Demand – A Moderated Discussion<br>'''12:30 ''' Lunch On Your Own<br> '''2:00 ''' Defining What is Sacred – Miriam Pollack<br> '''2:20 ''' Beyond the Bris: One Jewish Mother’s Experience – Rebecca Wald<br> '''2:40 ''' Resolving Circumcision Trauma: Neurological Repatterning and Healing Action – Stephanie Mines<br> '''3:40 ''' Break<br> '''4:00 ''' Ending Circumcision for Children: A Total Paradigm Shift – Suzanne Arms<br> '''4:45 ''' Tribute to Jeannine Parvati Baker– Marilyn Milos and Suzanne Arms<br> '''5:00 ''' Close of symposium<br> '''7:00 ''' No Host Banquet Dinner and Premier Performance – Composer Ron Romanovsky and Betty Katz Sperlich, co-founder, Nurses for the Rights of the Child, present IT’S A BOY! (a circus opera). The performance includes five vocalists and two accompanists.<br>
The Symposium was sponsored by the [http://www.nocirc.org National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers] and [https://www.doctorsopposingcircumcision.org/ Doctors Opposing Circumcision].