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Fifteenth International Symposium

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* '''[[Zenas Baer]]''' graduated from the University of Minnesota with a B.A. in German Literature and Political Science (1976). He graduated from Hamline University School of Law, St. Paul, Minnesota, in 1980. Since 1980, he has been in the private practice of law in Hawley, Minnesota. He is licensed to practice in the United States Supreme Court, United States Claims Court, United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, Eighth Circuit US Court of Appeals, Supreme Court of the State of Minnesota, Supreme Court of the State of North Dakota, US District Courts in Minnesota and North Dakota, and the White Earth Band of Chippewa Tribal Court. His practice is focused primarily on complex litigation and is known to take on unusual cases generally fighting for the underdog. Zenas has handled a number of circumcision cases and dealt extensively with the concept of informed consent as it relates to [[circumcision]]. Hawley, Minnesota, USA.
* '''[[Dan Bollinger]]''' has been working on men’s rights issues since college. He facilitated a men’s weekend workshop for many years. Formerly the director of the International Coalition for Genital Integrity, for the past 21 years Dan has focused his efforts on [[Intactivism]] and, lately, exclusively with [[Intact America]]. He was a member of Intact America’s founding committee, and serves as its volunteer strategy advisor. Dan has authored many articles and essays on men’s rights, psychology, and strategy, all concerning Intactivism. His contributions to the cause include photography, website design, graphic design, speaking, scienti�c scientific research, and making demonstration devices. He has contributed to many intactivist websites and created the [[Circumcision Decision-Maker]] website. Dan has an Industrial Design degree with a minor in psychology. He lives with his beloved wife Rebecca “On the Banks of the Wabash.” Lafayette, Indiana, USA.
* '''Trish Causey''' shares intact men's experiences to show why keeping the [[foreskin]] intact is crucial to a man's health and happiness. She has learned from intact men their experiences of being whole in cutting cultures. As more and more boys are left intact, our cutting societies have yet to make being intact “socially acceptable” in our culture, media, and medical environments. As a sexual health advocate, Trish's [[intactivism]] is informed not only as a human rights activist and feminist, with a steadfast stance on body autonomy and self-determination, but also her personal experience of painful sex and an inability to orgasm with circumcised men. New York, New York, USA.
* '''Clive Elwood Dunn''' is a journalist and a graduate student in peace studies of the Kofi Annan Institute for Conflict Transformation in Liberia. He holds a BA degree in mass communications and political science from the University of Liberia's College of Social Sciences and Humanities, and a Masters of Ntalextuwl Studies degree with an emphasis in communications and public policy from the Blacology Research and Development Institute in Fort Washington, Maryland. In addition to having served as associate public information officer with the UN Mission in Liberia, Clive is a member of the Press Union of Liberia and has worked as an editor at various media outlets, including the state-run Liberia Broadcasting System, the Liberian Standard, New Liberian Standard, Poll Watch, and Varsity Pilot. He is a devoted Christian and married with two daughters. Monrovia, Liberia, Africa.
* '''[[Brian Earp]]''' is Associate Director of the Yale-Hastings Program in Ethics and Health Policy at Yale University and the Hastings Center Bioethics Research Institute, and a Research Fellow in the Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics at the University of Oxford. With degrees from Yale, Oxford, and Cambridge universities, his work is cross-disciplinary, following training in gender and sexuality, philosophy, psychology, history and sociology of science and medicine, and ethics. His research has been cited in the US President’s Commission on Bioethics and in a landmark British high court case concerning "Female Genital Mutilation" (FGM) by Sir James Munby (in the matter of B and G). In 2016, he was invited by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences to serve as one of a small group of “high-level experts” reporting to the Dutch government on research methods and quality control in science and medicine; he later served as a peer reviewer on the final report. He was also invited to submit materials based on his work on female and male genital cutting to a special committee of the European Parliament; this work has now been published as part of a monograph series produced by the same. Other scholarly highlights include serving as Guest Editor of the Journal of Medical Ethics for a special issue on circumcision; serving as Guest Editor for the Medical Law Review for a special issue on regulating sexual boundaries; authoring a forthcoming book on male, female, and intersex genital cutting for Chicago University Press; and publishing more than 20 peer-reviewed essays or book chapters on the science and ethics of childhood genital cutting, including an in-depth analysis of the 2008 WHO/UN policy on "FGM" in the ''Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal'', whose editor devoted a special issue to the article, with invited responses from leading experts. Brian currently serves as Associate Editor of the ''Journal of Medical Ethics'', Associate Editor for the ''Yale Journal of Law & Humanities'', Ethics Editor for the ''Journal of Clinical and Translational Research'', and sits on the Board of Editorial Consultants for ''Public Affairs Quarterly''. New Haven, Connecticut, USA. * '''[[John V. Geisheker]]''', JD, LL.M, has practiced medico-legal law as an arbitrator, mediator, litigator, and law lecturer for over 30 years. He is currently the full-time pro bono Director and General Counsel for Doctors Opposing Circumcision, an international physicians’ charity based in Seattle, Washington. D.O.C.’s members and supporters oppose merely cultural, non-therapeutic, genital cutting of children – male, female, or intersex – on human rights’ grounds.John is a native of [[New Zealand]], a country that fully abandoned medicalized male circumcision in the 1960's. He hopes his adopted USA will someday follow that principled example. Seattle, Washington, USA. * '''[[Brother K]]''' was born in Miami in 1947 and grew up in New Orleans. He studied journalism at the University of Illinois, where he earned his degree in 1969. He protested against circumcision at the California State Capital in 1980, a protest that the Associated Press and other media reported locally and across the nation. In 1986, he changed his name to Brother K in California Superior Court, an act of protest against his circumcision at birth. He formed [[Bloodstained Men]] in 2012 and has protested in cities from coast to coast. Davis, California, USA. * '''Antony Lempert''', MB, BS, MRCGP, qualified as a doctor from King’s College, London in 1990. Since 1999, he has worked as a primary care physician (GP) in a rural UK practice. For the past ten years, he has also coordinated and chaired the Secular Medical Forum (SMF), which in 2017 integrated with the (UK) National Secular Society. The SMF campaigns to protect people from the harmful imposition on them of other people’s personal religious beliefs. Antony chairs the Shropshire division of the British Medical Association (BMA) and since 2009 has attended the BMA Annual Representatives Meeting where he has spoken several times about ritual genital cutting. As an invited representative of the International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU), Antony met with the chair of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child in Geneva in 2012 to discuss ritual circumcision. He appears regularly on radio, television, and in printed media. Antony lives in England with his wife and two teenage children, working as a GP just over the border in Wales. Shropshire, UK. * '''[[David J. Llewellyn]]''', BA, JD, is a trial lawyer who has practiced law for 38 years. Since 1995, David regularly has represented the victims of genital injury. He has extensive experience representing the victims of the most common forms of negligently performed circumcisions. David also has represented a number of parents who filed suits to prevent the circumcision of their sons. David has appeared "[ pro hac vice]" in courts in almost one-half of the United States. Atlanta, Georgia, USA. * '''[[James Loewen]]''' is a photographer/videographer whose YouTube channel, Bonobo3D, contains more than four hundred original videos. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. * '''[[Anthony Losquadro]]''' is a native New Yorker and graduate of the US Merchant Marine Academy. He was President of Consumers Energy Group for over 20 years, a NYC-based marketer of petroleum products. He was involved with industry-wide marketing and advertising as a board member of national and regional trade groups. His business experience includes solving real-world challenges in marketing, legal, and regulatory areas. Anthony formed [[Intaction]] in 2010 as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization to apply his life’s experience to achieve real impact for the cause of genital integrity. He is married with two children. Brooklyn, New York, USA. * '''[[Brendon Marotta]]''' is an award-winning filmmaker who has been making films since he was 14 years old. Brendon graduated from the University of the North Carolina School of the Arts Film School, to work as a professional film editor. ''[[American Circumcision]]'' is his first feature-length documentary as director. Austin, Texas, USA. * '''[[Paul Mason]]''', BA, LLB, Family Law Barrister, Former Children's Commissioner, Tasmania, is a family solicitor and barrister of 39 years, and was Tasmania’s Children's Commissioner for 3½ years. In a lifelong interest in the rights of children, their genital autonomy rights became a focus in 2008, from a chance question by a paediatrician at a government meeting in Hobart. In 2008, Paul became inaugural patron of GA UK and in 2014 Chair of the [[Australasian Institute for Genital Autonomy]]. Paul has written and presented on the rights of every child to protection from violence of all kinds – including medically unnecessary genital cutting - both here and over-seas. Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. * '''Marilyn Fayre Milos''', RN, is the co-founder and Executive Director of the [[National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers]] (NOCIRC), the first clearinghouse for information about circumcision in the USA (1985), now [[Genital Autonomy - America]], and coordinator of the International Symposia on Genital Autonomy and Children's Rights. She is co-editor of eight symposia proceedings books and the editor of the ''NOCIRC Annual Newsletter'', now ''GA - America Annual Newsletter''. 

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