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Fifteenth International Symposium

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* '''[[Paul Mason]]''', BA, LLB, Family Law Barrister, Former Children's Commissioner, Tasmania, is a family solicitor and barrister of 39 years, and was Tasmania’s Children's Commissioner for 3½ years. In a lifelong interest in the rights of children, their genital autonomy rights became a focus in 2008, from a chance question by a paediatrician at a government meeting in Hobart. In 2008, Paul became inaugural patron of GA UK and in 2014 Chair of the [[Australasian Institute for Genital Autonomy]]. Paul has written and presented on the rights of every child to protection from violence of all kinds – including medically unnecessary genital cutting - both here and over-seas. Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
* '''[[Marilyn Fayre Milos]]''', RN, is the co-founder and Executive Director of the [[National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers]] (NOCIRC), the first clearinghouse for information about circumcision in the USA (1985), now [[Genital Autonomy - America]], and coordinator of the International Symposia on Genital Autonomy and Children's Rights. She is co-editor of eight symposia proceedings books and the editor of the ''NOCIRC Annual Newsletter'', now ''GA - America Annual Newsletter''. * '''[[Soraya Miré]]''' was born in Somalia and immigrated to Europe in 1978 at the age of 17. She studied literature and political science at the University of Grenoble in France, then left her studies to expand her mission to end violence toward women and children. In 1984, she moved to Los Angeles and began a career in film. She is a director, writer, and activist, whose credits include a featured segment about FGM in the ''Vagina Monologues'' and the award-winning documentary ''Fire Eyes'', which highlights the barbaric practice of FGM. Her book, ''The Girl With Three Legs: A Memoir'', was published in 2011. Presently, she is working on a feature film. Soraya has been recognized with the Humanitarian Award at the United Nations Sub-Commission Sessions, the John Jay College of Criminal Justice Winnie Mandela Award, Best Documentary at the UN International Conference on Population and Development in Cairo, the Human Rights Award at the [[Third International Symposium]] on Circumcision (University of Maryland), and Intact America's Personal Courage Award 2009. Soraya has appeared on the ''Oprah Winfrey Show'', CNN, and ''Nightline''. She has lectured at numerous universities, including Harvard, UCLA, Vanderbilt, and Stanford. She has stood before committees at the UN, the US Senate Human Resource and Health Assembly, and the World Health Organization. She has worked with medical professionals, government officials, attorneys, women, and with families who have been affected by FGM, all in her tireless pursuit of protection of children's rights. Los Angeles, California, USA. * '''[[Lisa Braver Moss]]''' is a writer specializing in family issues, health, Judaism, and humor. Her essays have appeared in the ''Huffington Post'', ''Tikkun'', ''Parents'', ''Lilith'', ''Jewish Journal'', and other publications. She is the author of ''The Measure of His Grief'' (Notim Press, 2010), the first novel ever written about the circumcision controversy. She is co-author, with Rebecca Wald, of ''Celebrating Brit Shalom'' (Notim Press, 2015), the first-ever book of ceremonies and music for Jewish families opting out of circumcision. Lisa also conceived and spearheaded the movement toward open inclusion of ''brit shalom'' families in Jewish life. Piedmont, California, USA. * '''Audra Berger − Ms. Blu''' is a prolific singer and song-writer who puts “storytelling” to music. A music and nightclub prodigy at the age of twelve, Ms. Blu rides on the Intact America New York Pride Parade float and sings for the babies and children, helping to bring awareness about their right to bodily integrity and genital autonomy. New York, New York, USA. * '''[[Mark D. Reiss]]''', MD, is the Executive Vice-President of Doctors Opposing Circumcision. In addition to wife, family, and San Francisco, Dr. Reiss has made genital autonomy a high priority in his life. He is the founder and administrator of Celebrants of Brit Shalom, a web-based site listing rabbis, cantors, and lay leaders who will replace the traditional ''bris'' with a non-cutting ceremony. In his spare time, he is a concert pianist. San Francisco, California, USA. * '''Emily Rumsey''' and '''Emily Fitzgerald''' are midwives who provide clinical care to women as well as media producers who use digital media to provide health education to families. Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. * '''Lloyd Schofield''' was the proponent for the ''San Francisco Male Genital Mutilation Initiative'', which gathered nearly double the amount of valid signatures required to be placed on the 2011 ballot in the City and County of San Francisco. �e initiative's signature-gathering process and placement on the ballot generated an enormous amount of international publicity and facilitated a worldwide discussion that had not been previously possible. Lloyd is currently the President of the Bay Area Intactivists, a grassroots 501(c)(3) charitable organization, which works to protect and defend the genital autonomy of all individuals − male, female and intersex − by sponsoring and participating in events that expand visibility and work together with other human rights organizations. Lloyd presented a tribute to Jonathon Conte at the Keele Symposium in September 2016. San Francisco, California, USA. * '''Steve Scott''', as the Education Outreach Coordinator for NOCIRC, produced multi-media presentations for healthcare providers and public education forums. He organized the world premiere of ''The Nurses of St Vincent Say No to Circumcision''. Steve has presented at national and international conferences on the topic of circumcision and is a regular guest speaker for the Department of Human Sexuality at the University of Utah and the Department of Ethics at Utah Valley University. He directed the production of the video, The Prepuce, and authored, "Anatomy and Physiology of the Human Prepuce," in ''Male and Female Circumcision: Medical, Legal, and Ethical Considerations in Pediatric Practice''(Kluwer Academic/Plenum Press 1999), the proceedings of the [[Fifth International Symposium]] on Sexual Mutilations. Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. * J. Steven Svoboda holds a Master’s Degree in Physics from the University of California at Berkeley and graduated with honors from Harvard Law School. He is Executive Director of Attorneys for the Rights of the Child, which he founded in 1997, and he has presented to the United Nations on male circumcision. In 2013, he debated Michael Brady of the American Academy of Pediatrics regarding the legality and ethics of male circumcision, unofficially winning the debate. His articles regarding children’s right to bodily autonomy have appeared in the ''Journal of Medical Ethics'', ''Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine'', ''Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics'', ''American Medical Association Journal of Ethics'', and ''American Journal of Bioethics''. Berkeley, California, USA. * '''Hida Viloria''' is the founding director of the Intersex Campaign for Equality (IC4E) and one of the world’s foremost intersex and non-binary activists, a frequent consultant (UN, Lambda Legal, Human Rights Watch), speaker (Columbia, Princeton, Stanford, NYU...), television and radio guest (''Oprah'', ''Aljazeera'', ''20/20'', ''NPR'', ''BBC''...), and one of the most extensively published writers in the field (�e Hu�ngton Post, �e Daily Beast, �e Advocate, �e American Journal of Bioethics,, Ms...). In 2017 she became the recipient of the nation’s second intersex birth certi�cate, and he/r memoir Born Both: An Intersex Life (Hachette Books) was released to praise by ''The New York Times'', ''The Washington Post'', ''Rolling Stone'', ''NPR'', ''Psychology Today'', ''People'', and more. Follow Viloria online at, or @hidaviloria on Facebook and Twitter. Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA.

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