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Sixth International Symposium

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* '''[[Charles A. Bonner]]''', JD, civil rights, personal injury, and medical malpractice attorney. Sausalito, California, USA.
* '''[[Gregory J. Boyle]]''', PhD, Professor of Psychology, Bond University. Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.
* '''[[Mary Conant]]''', RN, conscientious objector to circumcision, co-founder, Nurses for the Rights of the Child. Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA.
* '''[[Robert Darby]]''', PhD, scholar and editor, researched the history of the rise and decline of routine circumcision in Australia for his book on the subject. Canberra, Australia.
* '''[[Paul M. Fleiss| Paul Fleiss]]''', MD, MPH, paediatrician. Los Angeles, California, USA.
* '''Concurrent Session B: The Role of Women in Ending Genital Mutilation'''
: ''Jeannine Parvati Baker, [[Mary Conant]], Linda Massie, [[Marilyn Fayre Milos]], Moderators''
* '''Closing Keynote Address: Circumcision as a Part of the Normative Abuse of Children: Essentials for Transforming the Lives of Children'''
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