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150 bytes added, 23:18, 31 July 2020
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=== Protective functions ===
The foreskin provides physical protection to the [[glans penis ]] and inner mucosa, supplying moisture and natural oils by [[transudation]], protecting the mucosal tissue from pathogens, pollutants, friction, injury, and drying out. The foreskin protects the glans penis and meatus of infant boys from abrasion and irritation from ammoniacal diapers.<ref name="gairdner1949">{{REFjournal
|title=Cultural background, non-therapeutic circumcision and the risk of meatal stenosis and other urethral stricture dis-easedisease: Two nationwide register-based cohort studies in Denmark 1977-2013
}}</ref> Frisch & Simonsen (2016) reported the incidence of meatal stenosis to be 3.7 times higher in circumcised boys.<ref name="frisch2016"/>
The foreskin continues to protect the glans penis throughout life, keeping it smooth, glossy, moist, sensitive, and free from [[keratinization]].
=== Immunological functions ===

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