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Sixth International Symposium

248 bytes added, 18:03, 9 August 2020
Program: Add URLs.
:* Historical Revisionism in Recent Medical History: An Exposé and Analysis
:: ''[[Frederick M. Hodges]]''
:* [ A Source of Serious Mischief: The Demonisation of the Foreskin and the Rise of Preventive Circumcision in Australia], 1880–1930
:: ''Robert Darby''
:* [ Compulsion to Circumcise is Constant, the Reasons Keep Changing]
:: ''Michael Katz''
* '''Legal and Ethical Considerations of Genital Mutilation'''
: ''George Williams, Moderator''
:* [ Comparative Legal Analysis of Body Mutilation Practices on Children]
:: ''[[J. Steven Svoboda]]''
:* Equal Protection Case Studies in the Scope and Limit of Gender-Based Discrimination Under State and Federal Constitutions

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