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G. S.

54 bytes added, 08:52, 8 June 2021
wikify anti-Semitism
Schepper is a member of the [[HVD]] (Humanistischer Verband Deutschlands) (German Humanists Union), the patrons of the [[Giordano Bruno Foundation]] and member of the [[Bundesweiter Arbeitskreis Säkulare Grüne|BAK Secular Greens]].
It is still important to him that the [[Circumcision Debate]] will not be misused by right-wing groups. He joins his colleague [[Holger Fehmel]] who is also against racist and [[Anti-Semitism|anti-Semitic semitic]] tendencies in the debate. But he also advertises vehemently against dumb and intellectually dishonest attempts to defamate unpopular [[circumcision]] critics and possibly also religious critics by pushing them in the right corner, instead of facing factual disputes.
Against this background and with this concern, he represented the Greens politician [[Ulf Dunkel]] 2012-2014 as his attorney in his [[Ulf_Dunkel#Party_exclusion_procedure_discontinued|Party Exclusion Procedure]]. At the end, [[Ulf Dunkel|Dunkel]] acknowledged that his statements had unintentionally served [[Anti-Semitism|anti-Semitic semitic]] steretypes. He credibly regretted these statements and again strongly distanced himself from [[Anti-Semitism|anti-Semitism ]] and xenophobia. This way, Schepper scored the non-exclusion of [[Ulf Dunkel|Dunkel]] on a comparison.
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