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G. S.

3 bytes added, 18:27, 16 July 2022
[[File:GeorgSchepper_FB.jpg|thumb|Georg Schepper, April 2014]]
'''Georg Schepper''' (* April 5, 1969 in Krefeld, Germany) is an attorney, humanist and [[intactivist]].
Schepper grew up in Landau at the Isar and, after high school and completing a banking apprenticeship, studied law in Regensburg and Utrecht (Netherlands). In the late 1990s he withdrew from the Catholic Church. Since 2001 he has practiced in Bielefeld.
Being affected from [[circumcision]] himself, Georg Schepper showed solidarity with men who had undergone a [[circumcision]] without their own consent and do suffer from it, when the [[Circumcision Debate]] incurred erupted in Germany in 2012 as a result of the [[Cologne circumcision court judgment]]. He belongs to the co-signatories of the [[Open Letter on Circumcision]] in the ''Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung''. In October 2012, he published a comprehensive analysis on the subject, where he already raised many issues such as [[German Circumcision Act|§ 1631d BGB]] which were discussed later by other lawyers, too.
Schepper is a member of the [[HVD]] (Humanistischer Verband Deutschlands) (German Humanists Union), the patrons of the [[Giordano Bruno Foundation]] and member of the [[Bundesweiter Arbeitskreis Säkulare Grüne|BAK Secular Greens]].

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