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132 bytes added, 23:08, 19 September 2021
De-keratinization treatment: Revise text.
The [[foreskin]] provides moisture and oils to the [[glans penis]] by [[transudation]]. [[Foreskin restoration]] by non-surgical means has been found to reduce keratinization and to improve appearance and sensation. When the [[glans penis]] is consistently covered and protected by a regrown [[foreskin]] the moisture and oils cause the keratinization to come off gradually.
Since skin is constantly dying naturally (apoptosis) and being replaced, once the friction and irritation is replaced with the warm, moist, snug protection of the foreskin, the new cells aren't shoved into the harsh outside world, so they stay soft and pink and sensitive, the way they were intended to be. The surface of the glans penis gradually becomes softer, smoother, more glossy, and increased sensation has been reported by many restored men.
As the glans becomes more and more sensitive, restored men come to depend upon their restored foreskin for protection and comfort.

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