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Eleventh International Symposium

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using BScN
* '''[[James Loewen]]''' is a photographer, videographer, and intactivist. Since 1993, his work has been increasingly focused on ending the genital mutilation of infants and children. His videotaped interviews can be seen at Bonobo3D on Youtube. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
* '''[[Gillian Longley]]''', {{RN}}, BSN{{BScN}}, MSS, the mother of two grown intact sons, is a registered nurse with 11 years experience in newborn nursery and neonatal intensive care. For the last five years, she has been co-coordinator of NOCIRC of Colorado. Her recent master’s degree research was a content analysis of how parent circumcision handouts present the alternative of not circumcising. Boulder, Colorado, USA.
* '''[[Paul Mason]]''', {{JD}}, was appointed Commissioner for Children for the Australian State of Tasmanian in 2007. The Commissioner is a State appointment independent of the elected government of the day and responsible for advising government about all matters concerning the health, welfare, development, education of children and their protection from all forms of abuse and neglect. His other primary function is to raise public awareness about these matters. Before that, he had three decades’ experience working in all areas of family law, including complex parenting and child protection cases, both as a solicitor and barrister across Australia. He is deeply committed to the human rights of children and a strong believer in their capacity to make valuable contributions to all decisions affecting their welfare and development. Hobart, Tasmania, Australia.
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