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Ninth International Symposium

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* '''David Chamberlain''', {{PhD}}, is a psychologist, pioneer in prenatal and birth psychology, and author. Nevada City, CA, USA.
* '''[[Georganne Chapin]]''', MS, {{JD}}, is President and CEO of Hudson Health Plan and adjunct faculty member, Pace University School of Law. Terrytown, NY, USA.
* '''John Dalton''', a biochemist with an MSc {{MS}} in Radiation Biophysics, is the archivist and researcher for NORM-UK. Stone, Staffordshire, UK.
* '''Oloaye Olusoji Emmanuel''', founder, Media for Ethnic Equality (MEE), inspiring youths and campaigning for peace in the world through the media. Ikeja Lagos, Nigeria.
* '''Marie Fox''', LL.B, {{PhD}}, is Professor of Law, School of Law, Keele University and an author. Staffordshire, UK.
* '''[[David J. Llewellyn]]''', {{BA}}, {{JD}}, a practicing attorney, representing plaintiffs in wrongful circumcision and other genital injury cases. Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
* '''Linda Massie''', BSc, PG/Dip, is founder and Director, NOCIRC of Northern Ireland. Glengormley, County Antrim, Northern Ireland.
* '''[[Ken McGrath]]''', VRD, MSc{{MS}} (Hons), LIBiol, is Senior Lecturer in Pathology, Faculty of Health, Auckland University of Technology. Auckland, NZ.
* '''Jody McLaughlin''' is editor of the ''Compleat Mother'' magazine and Director, NOCIRC of ND. Minot, ND, USA.
* '''[[Marilyn Milos]]''', {{RN}}, is Director, National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers (NOCIRC) and Coordinator, International Symposia on Genital Integrity. San Anselmo, CA, USA.
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