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Alleged reasons for circumcision

51 bytes added, 09:54, 21 October 2021
Cure through MGM: Bare 1930 also saw a connection between circumcision and bed-wetting
== Cure through [[MGM]] ==
* Abdominal neuralgia - 1879: [[H. H. Kane]]<ref name="Kane1879">{{Kane1879}}</ref>
* Bed wetting - 1873: [[Joseph Bell]]<ref name="Bell1873">{{Bell1873}}</ref>, 1930: [[Norton Henry Bare]]<ref name="Bare1930">{{Bare1930}}</ref>
* Blindness - 1890: [[William D. Gentry]]<ref name="Gentry1890">{{REFjournal
}}</ref>, 1902: [[Roswell Park]]<ref name="Park1902"/>, 1930: [[Norton Henry Bare]]<ref name="Bare1930">{{Bare1930}}</ref>
* Eye problems believed to be caused by [[masturbation]] - 1881: [[Maximillian Landesberg]]<ref name="Landesberg1881">{{Landesberg1881}}</ref>
* Immunity to nearly all physical and mental illness - 1953: [[Richard L. Miller]] and [[Donald C. Snyder]]<ref name="MillerSnyder1953"/>
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