Alleged reasons for circumcision
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In the long history of genital mutilation aka foreskin amputation aka circumcision, there have been many false alleged reasons why this should be a medical procedure. Please note that some of the alleged medical reasons are rather pseudo-hygienical reasons which should never be solved by cutting off intact body parts.
Work in progress: The following information does not claim to be complete. More content will be added gradually.
Foreskin causes
- Clubfoot - 1875: Lewis A. Sayre[1]
- Crossed eyes - 1886: William G. Eggleston[2]
- Curvature of the spine - 1875: Lewis A. Sayre[1]
- Dirt under the foreskin in newborns - 1941: Alan F. Guttmacher[3]
- Epilepsy - 1902: Roswell Park[4]
- Masturbation (females) - 1918 Belle C. Eskridge[5]
- Masturbation (males) - 1891: Jonathan Hutchinson[6], 1901: Ernest G. Mark[7]
- Masturbation (newborns) - 1953: Richard L. Miller and Donald C. Snyder[8]
- Neuroses (females) - 1915: Benjamin E. Dawson[9]
- Paralysis of the bladder - 1875: Lewis A. Sayre[1]
In 1958, Christine F. McDonald said "the same reasons that apply for the circumcision of males are generally valid when considered for the female."[10]
In 1966, Masters and Johnson erroneous claim that there is no difference in sensitivity between penises with and without foreskin.
- (Note: Their work helps propagate the medical dogma that circumcision has no effect on sexuality go practically unquestioned for nearly the next four decades.)[11]
Cure through FGM
- Adiposity by relieving psychosomatic factors - 1959: W. G. Rathmann[12]
- Clitoris easier findable by husband - 1959: W. G. Rathmann[12]
- HIV (in women after FGM) - 2005: R. Y. Stallings[13]
Cure through MGM
- Abdominal neuralgia - 1879: H. H. Kane[14]
- Bed wetting - 1873: Joseph Bell[15], 1930: Norton Henry Bare[16]
- Blindness - 1890: William D. Gentry[17]
- Deafness - 1890: William D. Gentry[17]
- Dumbness - 1890: William D. Gentry[17]
- Epilepsy - 1865: Nathaniel Heckford[18], 1870: Lewis A. Sayre[19], 1902: Roswell Park[4], 1930: Norton Henry Bare[16]
- Eye problems believed to be caused by masturbation - 1881: Maximillian Landesberg[20]
- Immunity to nearly all physical and mental illness - 1953: Richard L. Miller and Donald C. Snyder[8]
- Masturbation (newborns) - 1953: Richard L. Miller and Donald C. Snyder[8]
- Neuroses (females) - 1915: Benjamin E. Dawson[9]
- Nocturnal seminal emissions (i.e. wet dreams) - 1836: Claude François Lallemand[21], 1879: H. H. Kane[14]
- Rectal incontinence - 1894: H. L. Rosenberry[22]
- Sensitiveness of the organ - 1901: Ernest G. Mark[7]
- Urinary incontinence - 1894: H. L. Rosenberry[22]
- AIDS - 1986: Aaron J. Fink[23], 2003: Edgar J. Schoen[24]
- Cancer of the bladder - 1971: Abraham Ravich[25]
- Cancer of the rectum - 1971: Abraham Ravich[25]
- Cancer of the tongue - 1949: Eugene H. Hand[26]
- Cervical cancer (women) - 1951: Abraham Ravich[27], 1954: Ernest L. Wynder[28]
- HIV (in women after FGM) - 2005: R. Y. Stallings[13]
- HIV 'vaccine' - 2007: Robert C. Bailey[29]
- Inchastity - 1935: R. W. Cockshut[30]
- Masturbation (females) - 1918: Belle C. Eskridge[5]
- Masturbation (males) - 1845: Edward H. Dixon[31], 1871: M. J. Moses (for Jews)[32], 1888: John Harvey Kellogg (as punishment)[33], 1969: Morris Fishbein[34]
- Neonatal group B streptococcal disease - 1988: Aaron J. Fink[35]
- Nervousness - 1969: Morris Fishbein[34]
- penile cancer - 1926: Abraham L. Wolbarst[36]
- Pleasure of sex - 1900: Jonathan Hutchinson[37]
- Prostate cancer - 1942: Abraham Ravich[38]
- Raping whites - 1894: Peter Charles Remondino (for Blacks)[39]
- Sand from getting into the soldiers' foreskins - 1991: Aaron J. Fink[40]
- Sensitivity - 1935: R. W. Cockshut[30], 1941: Alan F. Guttmacher[3]
- Sexual immorality - 1900: Jonathan Hutchinson[37]
- Spinal paralysis - 1870: Lewis A. Sayre[41]
- Syphilis - 1855: Jonathan Hutchinson[42]
- Tuberculosis - 1914: Abraham L. Wolbarst[43]
- UTI (urinary tract infections) - 1985: Thomas E. Wiswell[44]
- Venereal disease - 1949: Eugene H. Hand[26]
See also
- ↑ a b c
Sayre LA. Spinal anaemia with partial paralysis and want of coordination, from irritation of the genital organs. Transactions of the American Medical Association. 1875; 26: 255-274.
- ↑
Eggleston WG. Two cases of reflex paraplegia (one with aphasia) from tape-worm and phimosis. JAMA. 1886; 6(19): 511-5. DOI.
- ↑ a b
Guttmacher AF. Should the baby be circumcised?. Parents Magazine. September 1941; 16(9): 26,76-78.
- ↑ a b
Park R. The surgical treatment of epilepsy. American Medicine. 22 November 1902; 4(22): 807-9.
- ↑ a b
Eskridge BC. Why not circumcise the girl as well as the boy?. Texas State Journal of Medicine. May 1918; 14: 17-9.
- ↑
Hutchinson J. On circumcision as preventive of masturbation. Archives of Surgery. January 1891; 2(7): 267-269.
- ↑ a b
Mark EG. Circumcision. The American Practitioner and News. 15 February 1901; 31(4): 122-6.
- ↑ a b c
Miller RL, Snyder DC. Immediate circumcision of the newborn male. AJOG. January 1953; 6(1): 1-11. PMID. DOI. Retrieved 13 October 2021.
- ↑ a b
Dawson BE. Circumcision in the Female: Its Necessity and How to Perform It. American Journal of Clinical Medicine. June 1915; 22(66): 520-3. Retrieved 19 October 2021.
- ↑
McDonald CF. Circumcision of the female. GP. September 1958; 18(3): 98-9. PMID. Retrieved 13 October 2021.
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Masters & Johnson (1966): Human Sexual Response. Boston, MA: Little Brown & Co.
- ↑ a b
Rathmann WG. Female Circumcision: Indications and a New Technique. General Practitioner. September 1959; 20(9): 115-20. PMID. Retrieved 11 October 2021.
- ↑ a b
Stallings, Rebecca Y., with: Emilian Karugendo: Female circumcision and HIV infection in Tanzania: For better or for worse?, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. (24 July 2005–27 July 2005) 3rd International AIDS Society Conference. Retrieved 13 October 2021.
- ↑ a b
Kane HH. Seminal emissions, abdominal neuralgia: circumcision: cure. The Southern Clinic (Richmond). October 1879; 2(1): 8-11.
- ↑
Bell J. Nocturnal incontinence of urine cured by circumcision. Edinburgh Medical Journal. May 1873; 1(9): 1034.
- ↑ a b
Bare NH. Surgical treatment of epilepsy with report of case. Chinese Medical Journal (then: The China Medical Journal). November 1930; 44(11): 1109-13. DOI. Retrieved 21 October 2021.
- ↑ a b c
Gentry WD. Nervous Derangements Produced by Sexual Irregularities in Boys. Medical Current. July 1890; 6(7): 268-74.
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Heckford N. Circumcision as a remedial measure in certain cases of epilepsy and chorea. Clinical Lectures and Reports by the Medical and Surgical Staff of the London Hospital. 1865; 2: 58-64.
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Sayre LA. Circumcision versus epilepsy, etc; Transcription of the New York Pathological Society meeting of June 8, 1870. Medical Record. 15 July 1870; 5(10): 231-234.
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Landesberg M. On Affections of the Eye Caused by Masturbation. Medical Bulletin. April 1881; 3(4): 79-81.
- ↑
Lallemand CF ((1):1836; (2):1839; (3):1842): [Des Pertes Seminales Involontaires]. [Involuntary Seminal Losses] (French). Vol. 1-3. London: H. Dumont. Pp. (1):463-7; (2):70-162; (3):266-7, 280-9. Retrieved 21 October 2021.
- ↑ a b
Rosenberry HL. Incontinence of the urine and faeces, cured by circumcision. Medical Record (New York). 11 August 1894; 46(6): 173.
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Fink AJ. A possible explanation for heterosexual male infection with AIDS. New England Journal of Medicine. 30 October 1986; 31(18): 1167.
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Schoen EJ. It's wise to circumcise: time to change policy. Pediatrics. June 2003; 111(6 Pt 1): 1490-1491.
- ↑ a b
Ravich A. Viral carcinogenesis in venereally susceptible organs. Cancer. June 1971; 27(6): 1493-6. Retrieved 12 October 2019.
- ↑ a b
Hand EH. Circumcision and venereal disease. Archives of Dermatology and Syphilology. September 1949; 60(3) PMID. DOI. Retrieved 8 October 2021.
- ↑
Ravich A. Prophylaxis of cancer of the prostate, penis, and cervix by circumcision. New York State Journal of Medicine. June 1951; 51(12): 1519-20. PMID. Retrieved 6 October 2021.
- ↑
Wynder EL, Cornfield J, Schroff PD, Doraiswami KR. A study of environmental factors of carcinoma of the cervix. Am J Obstet Gynecol. October 1954; 68(4): 1016-47; discussion: 1048-52. PMID. DOI. Retrieved 11 October 2021.
- ↑
Bailey RC, Moses S, Parker CB, et al. Male circumcision for HIV prevention in young men in Kisumu, Kenya: A randomised controlled trial. Lancet. 24 February 2007; 369(9562): 643–56. PMID. DOI. Retrieved 31 December 2021.
- ↑ a b
Cockshut RW. Circumcision. British Medical Journal. 19 October 1935; 2(3902): 764.
- ↑
Dixon EH (1845):
Ch. IX: Phimosis and Circumcision
, in: A Treatise on Diseases of the Sexual Organs. New York: William Taylor. Pp. 158-65. Retrieved 30 October 2021. - ↑
Moses MJ. The Value of Circumcision as a Hygienic and Therapeutic Measure. NY Med J. November 1871; 14(4): 368-74.
- ↑
Kellogg JH (1888):
Treatment for Self-Abuse and Its Effects
, in: Plain Facts for Old and Young (archive URL). Project Gutenberg (ed.). Burlington, Iowa: F. Segner & Co. Retrieved 31 October 2021. - ↑ a b
Fishbein M (1969):
Sex hygiene
, in: Modern Home Medical Adviser. Garden City (ed.). New York: Doubleday & Co. Pp. 90+119. Retrieved 30 October 2021. - ↑
Fink AJ. Is hygiene enough? Circumcision as a possible strategy to prevent group B streptococcal disease. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. August 1988; 159(2): 534-535.
- ↑
Wolbarst AL. Is circumcision a prophylactic against penis cancer?. Cancer. July 1926; 3(4): 301-310.
- ↑ a b
Hutchinson J. The advantages of circumcision. The Polyclinic. September 1900; 3(9): 129-131.
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Ravich A. The relationship of circumcision to cancer of the prostate. Journal of Urology. September 1942; 48(3): 298-299.
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Remondino PC. Negro rapes and their social problems. National Popular Review. January 1894; 4(1): 3-6.
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Fink AJ. Circumcision and sand. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine. November 1991; 84(11): 696.
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Sayre LA. Partial paralysis from reflex irritation, caused by congenital phimosis and adherent prepuce. Transactions of the American Medical Association. 1870; 21: 205-11.
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Hutchinson J. On the Influence of Circumcision in Preventing Syphilis. Medical Times and Gazette. 1855; 32(844): 542-543. Retrieved 4 September 2021.
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Wolbarst AL. Universal circumcision as a sanitary measure. Journal of the American Medical Association. 10 January 1914; 62(2): 92-97.
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Wiswell TE. Decreased incidence of urinary tract infections in circumcised male infants. Pediatrics. May 1985; 75(5): 901-3.