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Neil Pollock

112 bytes added, 14 April
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'''Neil Pollock''' is a [[Circumcised doctors| circumcised surgeon]] and , certified [[mohel]]and avid promoter of non-therapeutic [[circumcision]].<ref name='National Post, The 2001-01-22'>{{REFweb
|quote=Dr. Neil Pollock, a Vancouver-area physician who is also a trained mohel designated to perform ritual Jewish circumcisions...
}}</ref> from Vancouver, [[Canada]], whose sole livelihood comes from performing non-therapeutic infant [[circumcision]] and vasectomy.<ref name="pollock2011">{{REFweb
|quote=Dr. Pollock limits his practice to only two surgical procedures. Non-therapeutic infant circumcision is one of these procedures. (No-Scalpel No-Needle Vasectomy is the other).
The [ [Canadian Urological Association]] (2018) says "neonatal circumcision cannot be justified based
on the current evidence available."<ref name="cua2018">{{REFjournal
=== "Virtually bloodless" ===
While his homepage promises a circumcision that is "virtually bloodless",<ref name="30 second"/> the FAQ page admits that "a small amount of [[bleeding ]] is normal,"<ref>{{REFweb |quote=A small amount of [[bleeding ]] is normal. Take some gauze with Vaseline on it and squeeze the [[bleeding ]] area of the penis with your fingers for two minutes.
|title=Frequently Asked Questions
}}</ref> The topical anaesthetic only serves to numb the area to lessen the pain of the injection, but studies have shown that a dorsal penile ring block is not always effective in stopping the [[Pain| pain of circumcision]].<ref>{{REFjournal
|first=H. William
}}</ref> During the [[circumcision]], the child is given sugar pacifiers to "reduce his pain perceptions",<ref>{{REFweb
|quote=During the circumcision, your son will receive sugar pacifiers to suck on which reduce his pain perceptions.
=== "A New Approach" for children, teenagers and adults ===
According to the ''Jewish Independent'', Pollock claims to "have developed a technique to do circumcision in this older age group under local anesthetic without using sutures and using, instead, a cyanocrylate [[skin ]] glue that closes the wound." Pollock claims that this provides for a "simpler, easier, quicker, safer and improved cosmetic outcome for patients.", claims that have not been substantiated.<ref>{{REFnews
=== Haiti ===
In 2014, Pollock claimed he was contacted by Dr. Jeffrey Klausner, professor at [the {{UNI|University of California, Los Angeles] |UCLA}} Medical School, asking to train surgeons in Port-Au-Prince. Pollock started a fundraiser hoping to raise $25,000 to cover a one week trip to Port-Au-Prince, to train two surgeons, who will in turn train more surgeons once he leaves. This with the premise that circumcision can help reduce the risk of males contracting [[HIV]] through heterosexual intercourse, a premise that has been subject to frequent criticism for lack of proven causal link and failure to show the intended results.
The ultimate intention of the training, Pollock said, is β€œto set up a national program accepted by the population, to introduce infant circumcision safely and effectively, and have it evolve to become a widespread practice throughout the country.” UCLA's Klausner and other researchers at UCLA seem to be very interested in introducing circumcision in the Caribbean and Latin America.
* [[Canada]]
* [[Pain]]
* [[Trauma]]
[[Category:Pollock group]]

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