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Long foreskin obstructing urine flow

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The [[Prepex]] device works by clamping the foreskin so that it is starved for blood, dies and falls off. In two cases observed during testing in Kenya the necrotic foreskin interfered with urination.
Circumcision has been promoted by the corrupt [[World Health Organization]] to prevent female to male [[HIV]] infection, however two large scale population studies have found circumcision to be totally ineffective at preventing HIV infection.
ayan Mayan et al. (2021) carried out a massive empirical study of the male population of the province of Ontario, [[Canada]] (569,950 males), of whom 203,588 (35.7%) were circumcised between 1991 and 2017. The study concluded that circumcision status is not related to risk of HIV infection.<ref name="mayan2021">{{REFjournal
[[Category:Circumcision complication]]

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