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Literature about foreskin restoration

22 bytes removed, 13:15, 6 June 2022
Articles in popular press about foreskin restoration
}}. BUFF. (1987?)
2. ''The Independent''. "[{{REFnews |title=Health: They took my foreskin, and I want it back: Some men feel their circumcision at birth was an assault. Now they can be 'uncircumcised' without surgery, writes Cherrill Hicks]". |url= |last=Hicks |first=Cherrill Hicks, 1993. |init= |author-link= |publisher=The Independent [[File|website=https:fs05//]] |date=1993-08-03 |accessdate=2022-06-06 |quote=The glans has changed in texture from toughenedskin to become more like mucous tissue,}}
3. ''Mothering''. "[ Uncircumcising Undoing the Effects of an Ancient Practice in a Modern World]". Jim Bigelow, 1994 [[File:fs06.pdf]]

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