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Circumcision maps

592 bytes added, 14:03, 14 July 2022
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==World circumcision map==
This map breaks down the prevalence of [[circumcision]] by state in [[Australia]] and the [[United States]]; and by province in [[Canada]].
==Map showing incidence of neonatal circumcision in U.S. hospitals==We thank [[Saving Our Sons (SoS)]] for providing this map that shows the incidence of non-therapeutic neonatal [[circumcision]] in U.S. hospitals in 2009-10. The incidence of non-therapeutic circumcision is the percentage of newborn baby boys who are being [[circumcised]]. The overall incidence of circumcision of the newborn in the [[United States]] has declined somewhat since this map was prepared.<br><br><center></center>{{REF}}
[[Category:Genital cutting]]
[[Category:Male circumcision]]

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