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Peter W. Adler

86 bytes added, 18:38, 3 September 2022
Update New Jersey case.
[[File:Peter Adler.jpg|thumb|Peter Adler 2021]]
'''{{FULLPAGENAME}}''', {{JD}}, {{MA}}, from Massachusetts, USA, is a law professor, legal scholar, and [[intactivist ]] who has published numerous articles about [[circumcision]] and the law, three of which laid the groundwork for lawsuits in the U.S.
Adler has a {{BA}} in Philosophy from [ Dartmouth] College (Magna Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa), an {{MA}} in Philosophy and Ethics from [ Cambridge] (with Honours), and a {{JD}} from the {{UNI|University of Virginia|UVA}} [ School of Law] (Law Review).
# The article also argues that non-therapeutic [[circumcision]] constitutes constructive fraud, where to prevent unfairness, court impute fraud as a matter of law even if intent to defraud is absent. The article argued that boys and their parents have a right to summary judgment without trial on their claims that [[circumcision]] is a battery, a breach of fiduciary duty, and constructive fraud, and that the statute of limitations begins upon discovery of the fraud.
In what is certain to be a landmark case in [[circumcision]] and the law, in February 2021, Shingo Lavine, the victim of a negligently performed [[circumcision]], and his parents Adam and Aiko Lavine, represented by the [[circumcision]] trial lawyer [[David Llewellyn]] of Georgia and attorney Andrew DeLaney of New Jersey, sued a medical clinic and the [[American Academy of Pediatrics]] in New Jersey state court. The suit alleges, based on Giannetti’s 1999 article and the 2020 fraud article, that the [[AAP]] committed intentional fraud and constructive fraud in issuing its pro-[[circumcision]] 1989 and 1999 [[circumcision]] policy statements. On June 18, 2021, the [[AAP]] filed a Motion to Dismiss, and the plaintiffs will find a responsive Memorandum of Law. The case now has been removed to federal court based on diversity of citizenship.
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