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73 bytes added, 12:42, 27 February 2023
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'''Dekeratinization''' is the name given to the process by which previously keratinized tissue loses its protective coating of [[keratin]].
Dekeratinization typically occurs on the surface of the [[glans penis]] of a [[circumcised]] male after [[foreskin restoration]] is effected. The layer of [[keratin]] typically will slough off of the [[glans penis]]. Some men report that a thin layer of keratin similar to onion [[skin]] peeled off of their glans penis. Dekeratization seems to occur naturally after the glans penis is recovered by a [[restored foreskin]] that protects the glans penis physically from friction and other irritation while maintaining a moist, oily environment for the glans penis by [[transudation]].
Dekeratization usually results in an increase in sensation from in the previously keratinized tissue.

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