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243 bytes added, 13:42, 13 September 2024
Documented cases of suicide due to circumcision: Add inline external link.
== [[Circumcision coma]] ==
[[New Zealand ]] researcher [[Lindsay R. Watson]] describes a state of denial in grown-up men who have not yet realized that in their earliest childhood, the [[circumcision]] gave them a highly [[Trauma| traumatic experience ]] that they have not yet realized or even processed. When genitally mutilated men realize for the first time (often through a trigger impulse from the outside) what has been done to them, it is often like an "awakening from a coma" to them.<ref name="watson2014">{{REFbook
|first=Lindsay R.
This is often followed by extreme feelings of hate, anger and loss. Chances are that these men find no way to channel their anger constructively to protect others from [[MGM| genital mutilation]]. Some of these simply give up themselves by committing suicide.<ref name="watson2014" />
== Documented cases of suicide due to circumcision ==
}}</ref> || {{Age|1983|10|07|2011|11|02}} || Hated himself and his mother over a very aggressive [[circumcision ]] conducted while he was an infant.
| [ Cagle, Kevin Lloyd]<ref>{{REFweb
|title=Circumcision Suicide: Kevin Cagle - 20 years old
|| 20 || <q>I hate my body. I don't feel whole.</q>
| [[Jonathon Conte|Conte, Jonathon]] || {{Age|1981|06|14|2016|05|09}} || Botched [[circumcision ]] and resulting [[depression]].
| Hardy, Alex<ref name="lowbridge2019"/> || 23 || "It quickly became apparent that what had just happened was a catastrophe... I died in 2015, not now."
|[[Hans Herzl| Herzl, Hans]] || 39 || Resented teen age [[Brit Milah| circumcision]]. Suicide after sister's death.|-| [[Fatalities#2005|Lwane, Dontsa]] || 19 || Botched [[circumcision]].
| [[Fatalities#2005|Lwane, Wandile]] || 21 || Suicide after learning of his brother Dontsa's death.
}}</ref> || 48 || Botched [[circumcision ]] and resulting [[depression]].
* [[Depression]]
* [[Documented severe complications of circumcision]]
* [[Fatalities]]

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