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Religion and culture

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== Culture ==
In some cultures, non-therapeutic [[circumcision ]] is a social norm, recommendation, or even a requirement. In some cultures, circumcision is viewed as a rite of passage, and a male may not be considered a privileged adult until he has undergone circumcision. In others, it is seen as "unclean" not to be [[circumcised]], and consider the circumcised penis to be more aesthetically pleasing.
=== America ===
Circumcision, particularly male infant non-therapeutic [[circumcision]] had become entrenched in [[United States of America| American culture]], because of promotion by the [[Circumcision Industryindustry]], but now is in a declining pattern. Beginning in the Victorian period, men and children were [[circumcised]] to make [[masturbation]] difficult, because [[masturbation]] was seen as the root of many diseases. Circumcising newborn infants grew into a trend which peaked during the 60's and 70's. Movements to end circumcision began in the late 70's, so the incidence of genital [[intactness ]] has increased significantly. Medicaid unlawfully provides [[third-party payment]] for medically-unnecessary, non-therapeutic circumcision in many states<ref name="adler2011">{{REFjournal
|first=Peter W.
}}</ref> the American male population remains largely [[circumcised]] in most states and about 900,000 male newborns receive non-therapeutic [[circumcision]] every year.
Despite the financially self-serving promotional efforts of the [[Circumcision Industryindustry]], the incidence of non-therapeutic [[circumcision]] of infant boys in the [[United States]] was reported to have continued its slow decline to 52.1 percent in 2016.<ref name="jacobson2021">{{REFjournal
|first=Deborah L.
|publisher={{UNI|Cornell University|CU}} Press
}}</ref> In some African societies, a man who has not been [[circumcised]] is seen as a child, and unfit to take on the duties of a "man" (IE, someone who has been [[circumcised]]), such as positions of office and authority.
Boys and men are [[circumcised ]] at different ages depending on the African society. Practices obviously vary. Among the Ehing of Senegal, the major idea of the ritual is to "spill sexual blood," and with the very young just the tip of the [[skin]] is considered sufficient for them to have entered the initiation. Children whose wounds have closed too completely were subjected to repeat operations, with the second cutting being much more extensive.<ref name="Schloss 1988"/> Among the Gisu of Uganda, only youths aged eighteen to twenty-four are eligible for [[adult circumcision| circumcision]], which is perceived as a crucial test of masculine bravery and endurance. The youth must stand absolutely still while first their foreskins are being cut and then stripped from around the [[glans penis]]. They are required to display total fortitude under the knife, betraying no signs of fear, not even involuntary twitching or blinking. The Gisu describe the pain as "fierce, bitter, and terrifying."<ref name="Heald 1989"/>
=== Australia ===
[[Subincision]] is practiced by native Australians. This involves slitting open the underside of the [[penis]], revealing the [[urethra]]. The wound may be reopened and extended to cause renewed bloodletting, making this possibly the most dramatic of all male genital mutilations.<ref>{{REFbook
|first=Richard A.
|publisher=International Universities Press
}}</ref> The  Among Australians of European origin, the incidence of [[circumcision]] in [[Australia]] has is reported to have declined to about 4 percent of newborn boys. [[Intact]] males have been in the ever-increasing majority for many years.Prevalence of circumcision is steadily declining and was reported at 30 percent in 2010.<ref>{{REFweb |url= |title=Incidence and prevalence of circumcision in Australia |last=Anonymous |first= |init= |publisher=Circumcision Information Australia |date=2017 |accessdate=2024-02-06}}</ref>
The practice of non-therapeutic circumcision in [[Canada]] has been declining for decades. The [[medical trade association| medical trade associations]] do not support the practice, most hospitals usually do not provide non-therapeutic [[circumcision]], and the fourteen health insurance plans do not pay for it. Statistics have not been collected since 2006-7,<ref>{{REFdocument |title=What Mothers Say: The Canadian Maternity Experiences Survey |url= |contribution= |last= |first= |publisher=Public Health Agency of Canada |format=PDF |date=2009 |accessdate=2024-02-06}}</ref> so do not reflect the current reality.. The incidence of circumcision varies widely by province and ethnicity, so it is difficult to produce a statistic for all-Canada. [[Foreskinned]] males are in the majority in all provinces and territories.
===New Zealand===
===United Kingdom===
Non-therapeutic [[circumcision]] of boys was a practice in the [[United Kingdom]] prior to about 1948. The National Health Service did not then and does not now offer non-therapeutic [[circumcision ]] of boys, <ref name="nhschild">{{REFweb |url= |archived= |title=Circumcision in boys |trans-title= |language= |last= |first= |author-link= |publisher=National Health Service |website= |date=2018-11-20 |accessdate=2024-02-06 |format= |quote=}}</ref> so the practice was abandoned. Abandonment of non-therapeutic circumcision was encouraged by [[Douglas Gairdner]] whose landmark 1949 paper pointed out the lack of benefit and risks of non-therapeutic circumcision.<ref>{{GairdnerDM 1949}}</ref> Dave et al. (2003) reported a declining incidence prevalence of circumcision in Britain.<ref name="dave2003">{{REFjournal
|first=Sangreta S.
:''"Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh. (Lev. 19:28)''
Halacha provides for the ceremony of hatifat dam berit (shedding of a token drop of blood) for babies who can not be [[circumcised]] due to health reasons. This is deemed to be completely valid in marking the Covenant. <ref name="Britshalom">{{REFweb |url= |title=Jews Against Circumcision, Brit Shalom}}</ref>
Modern Jewish scholars have found that [[circumcision]] is not even mentioned in the earliest, “J”, version of Genesis nor the next three rewrites by other authors. Most importantly, the story of Abraham is there in its entirety, except the part about the [[Abrahamic covenant| Covenant]] being “sealed” with circumcision. So do not be afraid of divine punishment. God did not mandate circumcision.<ref name="Britshalom"/> Further, being [[circumcised]] is not a condition of being Jewish. Girls do not need to be [[circumcised ]] to receive the gifts of covenant, i.e., receiving bat-mitzva. A boy is considered to be Jewish if his mother is Jewish from the moment he is born. In fact:
* A boy may be excused from [[circumcision]] permanently if his health would be endangered by it (for example, hemophilia).
* Some Jewish parents are electing to have a non-cutting, harmless naming ceremony, frequently called "[[Brit Shalom]]" instead of a ritual circumcision.
* Contrary to popular opinions, an [[intact]] boy may have a Bar Mitzvah. As one rabbi simply put it, “We don’t check.”
* Since many American Christians practice [[circumcision]], it does not distinguish the Jewish boys from the non-Jewish.<ref name="Britshalom"/> Modern Jewish scholars have found that [[circumcision]] is not even mentioned in the earliest, “J”, version of Genesis nor the next three rewrites by other authors. Most importantly, the story of Abraham is there in its entirety, except the part about the [[Abrahamic covenant| Covenant]] being “sealed” with circumcision. So do not be afraid of divine punishment. God did not mandate circumcision. [[Brit Shalom]] offers an alternative free of cutting, [[pain]], and [[trauma]].
[[Bruchim]] was founded in 2021 by [[Lisa Braver Moss]] and [[Rebecca Wald]] with a goal of making non-circumcision acceptable in American synagogues.
Circumcision is expressly forbidden to gentiles. Whereas Jews adhere to 613 laws and commandments, called "mitzvots" in Hebrew, Christians are supposed to be saved by the blood and grace of Christ, hence the name ''"Christ-ian." '' At various points in the New Testament<ref>The Holy Bible</ref>, Christians are told to either follow the law, or be saved by the grace of Christ alone.
:''"Behold, I, Paul, tell you that if you be circumcised, Christ will be of no advantage to you." – Gal 5:2''
The Christian Bible contains two sections. The first section, called the ''Old Testament'' was originally written in Hebrew. It was the Jewish Bible and contains passages that may favor [[Brit Milah| circumcision]]. This requirement has been abolished for Christians by the New Testament. The second section, called the "New Testament", is the Christian addition to the Holy Bible. It contains the correct information for Christians. Some new or ill-informed Christians may be confused by the differences in the two sections.
Circumcision is erroneously believed to be a good The second section, called the "Christian valueNew Testament" by Christians in different parts of the world, including is the [[United States]]{{citation needed}], South Korea{{citation needed}} and Christian addition to the Holy Bible. [[TuliCouncil at Jerusalem| PhilippinesIt contains the correct information for Christians]]{{citation needed}}. Some new or ill-informed Christians may be confused by the differences in the two sections.
=== Islam ===

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