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[[File:Flag_of_Israel.svg|thumb|150px|Flag of Israel]]
According to Scripture, God gave the land of Canaan to Israel.<ref>{{REFweb
|title=Numbers 13:1-2
The nation of '''{{FULLPAGENAME}}''' was reborn in Canaan in 1948 as foretold by the prophet Ezekial in Ezekial 37.<ref>{{REFweb
}}</ref> It was to be a "national home for the Jewish people".<ref name="balfour1917">{{REFdocument |title=Balfour Declaration |url= |contribution= |last=Balfour |first=Arthur |publisher=Foreign Office |format=PDF |date=1917-11-02 |accessdate=2024-04-22}}</ref> David Ben-Gurion affixed the first signature to the <b>Declaration of Independence (1948)</b>.<ref>{{REFdocument |title=The Declaration of Independence |url= |contribution= |last= |first= |publisher=Israel State Archives |format= |date=1948-05-14 |accessdate=2024-05-01}}</ref>
Hebrew, the long dead language of the Jews, was revived and is the official language, although English is also widely spoken. Arabic is a secondary language.
The population of '''{{FULLPAGENAME}}''' is nearly 10,000,000. Jews constitute 73 percent, Muslims constitute 18 percent and the balance is of various other faiths. Of the Jews, 49 percent self-identify as secular. == Circumcision in Israel ===== Circumcision in the news ===The [ Israeli Ambulatory Paediatric Association] (2012) said "that direct oral-genital suction, known as ''[[Metzitzah b'peh| metzitzah b’peh]]'', should not be performed during [[Brit Milah| Jewish ritual circumcision]]."<ref>{{REFnews |title=Israeli pediatric association calls for end to circumcision-related rite |url= |last=Anonymous |first= |init= |publisher=The Times of Israel |website= |date=2012-08-12 |accessdate=2024-04-06 |format= |quote= It is calling on Israel’s Health Ministry to require maternity wards and clinics to advise parents against metzitzah b’peh, Israeli media are reporting.}}</ref>
The Jewish and Muslim religions officially require [[circumcision]], however not all Jews and Muslims actually follow the teachings of their religion. ''HaaretzHaretz'' reported (2012) published an article that many said "more and more Israeli parents are choose not circumcising their sonsto circumcise."<ref name="ahituv2021haretz2012">{{REFnews |title=Even in Israel, More and More Parents Choose Not to Circumcise Their SonsREFweb |url= |title=Even in Israel, more and more parents choose not to circumcise their sons |last=AhituvAhutuv
|coauthorsinit= |publisher=Haaretz |date=2012-06-14 |accessdate=2024-05-09}}</ref>''Reuters'' (2012) reported that increasing numbers of "Israeli parents are saying no to circumcision." Some fear it is a form of "physical abuse". Discussion of [[Brit Milah| circumcision]] is said to be "taboo". [[Ronit Tamir]], the founder and executive director of [[KAHAL]], said, "The phenomenon is growing, I have no doubt. When we started the group 12 years ago we had to work hard to find 40 families ... They were keeping it secret and we had to promise them we'd keep it secret. Then, we'd get one or two phone calls a month. Nowadays I get dozens of emails and phone calls a month, hundreds a year."<ref name="reuters2012">{{REFnews |title=In Israel, some rebel against circumcision |url= |last=Lubell |first=Maayan |author-link= |publisher=Reuters |website= |date=2012-11-28 |accessdate=2024-04-21 |quote="It's such a taboo in Israel and in Judaism,"}}</ref> The ''Times of Israel'' (2014) reported Jewish actress [ Alicia Silverstone] is "among those Jews advocating against circumcision."<ref>{{REFnews |title=Alicia Silverstone nixes circumcision |url= |last=Dónzis |first=Aron |author-link= |last2= |init2= |author2-link= |publisher=The Times of Israel |website= |date=2014-05-04 |accessdate=2024-03-27 |format= |quote=}}</ref> The ''Times of Israel'' (2014) reported that the [ High Court] overturned a [ Rabbinical Court] decision that would have forced a woman to have a boy [[circumcised]]. The High Court stated that the [ Rabbinical Court] "lacked the jurisdiction to force the procedure."<ref>{{REFnews |title=High Court rules against coerced circumcision |url= |last=Newman |first=Marissa |init= |author-link= |publisher=The Times of Israel |website= |date=2014-06-29 |accessdate=2024-03-27 |format= |quote=In the case in question, a woman in the midst of divorce proceedings opposed the [[Brit Milah| circumcision]] of her son on the grounds that it was a form of mutilation.}}</ref> Avraham Burg, writing in ''Haaretz'' (2014), asked, "Is this the generation that rejects [[Brit Milah| circumcision]]?"<ref>{{REFnews |title=Is This the Generation That Rejects Circumcision? |url= |last=Burg |first=Avraham |author-link= |publisher=Haaretz |website= |date=2014-08-30 |accessdate=2024-03-27 |format= |quote=}}</ref>  The ''Forward'' (2018) reported that circumcision rates are slipping as more secular parents favor "[[intactness]]".<ref>{{REFnews |title=Circumcision Rates Are Slipping — Even In Israel |url= |last=Gradstein |first=Linda |init= |author-link= |publisher=Forward |website= |date=2018-01-15 |accessdate=2024-04-10 |format= |quote=Those making this decision are still in the minority and said they came under tremendous pressure from their families to have the baby circumcised for reasons of tradition, if not religion. }}</ref> ''Haaretz'' (2019) reported that Jewish men from Russia who were [[circumcised]] in Israel now [[Regret men| regret their decision]] to be circumcised.<ref>{{REFnews |title=They Felt Pressured to Get Circumcised After Moving to Israel. They Now Regret It |url= |last=Glazer |first=Hilo |init= |author-link= |last2= |init2= |author2-link=
|date=20212019-0612-1407 |accessdate=2024-03-2426 |format= |quote=The survey also found “I didn’t take into account that I would be losing feeling or that nearly sex would be less good. Even after I noticed the damage, it took me time to make the connection. It came up in conversations with the woman who is today my wife and who by training is a psychologist and a third of sexologist – and not a Jew, by the parents way. When we first started dating, she asked me why I had done it, and I told her. Since then she laughs at me occasionally and says that if I hadn’t undergone that nonsense, I would prefer to forgo circumcision but nevertheless have it done greater enjoyment.”}}</ref> Remennick (2021) reported lingering [[trauma]] among former Soviet Jews who were [[circumcised]] in Israel and who now regret their decision for social both aesthetic and sexual reasons ‏(.<ref>{{REFjournal |last=Remennick |first=Larissa |init=L |author-link= |etal=no |title=Joining the tribe: adult circumcision among immigrant men in Israel and its traumatic aftermath |trans-title= |language= |journal=Cult Health Sex |location= |date=2021-01-29 |volume=24 |issue=5 |pages=702-16 |url=https://www.6 percent‏ |archived= |quote= |pubmedID=33512277 |pubmedCID= |DOI=10.1080/13691058.2021.1879272 |accessdate=2022-10-14}}</ref>=== Complication of circumcision procedure ===The ''Jerusalem Post'' (2020)reported:<blockquote>A three-weeks-old baby is currently in serious condition at the Bnei Zion Medical Center in Haifa due to a herpetic infection, which began in the genital area and has spread to the brain, leading to convulsions and seizures. Laboratory tests found that the infant likely contracted the Type 1 herpes virus during his brit, directly from the mohel, health reasons ‏who performed the ceremony using the controversial Orthodox method of blood cleaning known as "Metzitzah B'Peh," or oral suction. Director of Pediatrics at Bnei Zion Medical Center, Prof. Itzhak Sarugo, said that "the baby was hospitalized in serious condition, with a visible inflammation of the brain (10encephalitis) accompanied by prolonged convulsions and a severe skin infection that started in the groin area where the circumcision was performed."<ref>{{REFnews |title=3-week-old baby hospitalized with brain infection after brit gone wrong |url=https://www.jpost.4 percent‏com/israel-news/3-week-old-baby-hospitalized-with-brain-infection-after-bris-gone-wrong-633078 |last=Zonshine |first=Idan |init= |author-link= |last2= |init2= |author2-link= |publisher= |website= |date=2020-06-28 |season= |accessdate=2024-04-08 |format= |quote=}}</ref></blockquote> The ''Jerusalem Post'' (2022) reported "A baby was rushed to the hospital in northern Israel on Monday after his [[circumcision]] went wrong, with his genitals being almost completely [[Amputation| amputated]] during a [[Brit Milah| brit mila]] — a Jewish ritual circumcision, Israeli media reported. The ''[[mohel]]'' was later found to be uncertified and because did not undergo required training.<ref>{{REFnews |title=Israeli baby requires complex surgery after circumcision gone wrong |url= |last=Anonymous |first= |init= |publisher=The Jerusalem Post |website= |date=2022-09-06 |accessdate=2024-04-06 |format= |quote="We don't know exactly how it happened, but the baby is important for suffering from an almost complete amputation of his genitals," Asadi told N12. "This is a shocking case and the grandparents ‏(2.1 percent‏)injury is very serious."
=== Loss of sexual sensation ===The ''Jerusalem Post'' (2023) has expressed some concern about loss of [[foreskin sensitivity| sexual sensation]] after loss of the [[foreskin]] by [[circumcision]].<ref>{{REFnews
|title=Should Jewish males be circumcised? - comment
=== Statistics ===
[[Judaism]] and [[Islam]] require [[circumcision]], however not all Jews and Muslims actually follow the teachings of their religion. ''Haaretz'' (2021) reported that many Israeli parents are not circumcising their sons.<ref name="ahituv2021">{{REFnews
|title=Even in Israel, More and More Parents Choose Not to Circumcise Their Sons
|quote=The survey also found that nearly a third of the parents would prefer to forgo [[Brit Milah| circumcision]] but nevertheless have it done for social reasons ‏(16.6 percent‏), health reasons ‏(10.4 percent‏) and because it is important for the grandparents ‏(2.1 percent‏).
Based on data collected prior to 2016, the percentage of males of all ages [[circumcised]] in Israel (prevalence) was reported to be 91.7%,<ref>{{REFweb
|title=Global Circumcision Statistics and Estimates
}}</ref> however this figure was derived by totaling the number of Jews and Muslims in the population. It overstates the percentage of boys [[circumcised]] by an unknown amount since not all Jews and Muslims circumcise their boys.<ref name="ahituv2021" />
The ''Jerusalem Post'' (2024) reports, "Only seven medical circumcisions had been performed since April 2023, according to data presented to the Knesset."<ref>{{REFnews
|title=Conversion crisis: Israeli gov't circumcision tender delay leaves 100 in 'torture'
|publisher=The Jerusalem Post
== Ritual circumcision and urinary tract infection in Israel ==
Several medical articles have reported [[urinary tract infection]] (UTI) in Israel after [[Brit Milah| ritual circumcision]].<ref name="cohen1992">{{REFjournal
|title=Postcircumcision Urinary Tract Infection
|journal=Clin Pediatr (Phila)
}}</ref><ref name="goldman1996">{{REFjournal
|title=Urinary tract infection following ritual Jewish circumcision
|journal=Isr J Med Sci
}}</ref><ref name="prais2009">{{REFjournal
|title=Is ritual circumcision a risk factor for neonatal urinary tract infections?
|journal=Arch Dis Child
}}</ref><ref name="toker2010">{{REFjournal
|title=A costly covenant: ritual circumcision and urinary tract infection
|journal=Isr Med Assoc J
Prais et al. (2009) reported that a boy is 2.8 times more likely to get a [[UTI]] when [[circumcised]] by a [[mohel]] as compared to when circumcised by a physician.<ref name="prais2009" />
The urethra of girls is shorter than that of boys, so it is normal for girls to have more urinary tract infections than boys. Marild & Jodal (1998), working in [[Sweden]], reported an incidence of UTI in girls of 6.6% in the first six years of life, while boys had an incidence of 1.8%.<ref name="marild1998">{{REFjournal
|title=Incidence rate of first-time symptomatic urinary tract infection in children under 6 years of age
|journal=Acta Paediatr
}}</ref> However, in Israel, with respect to Jewish boys, the situation is reversed with more [[UTI]] in boys as compared with girls. Toker et al. (2010) reported an incidence of UTI in Jewish boys of 24.7% as compared to girls with 8.4%.<ref name="toker2010" />
== Circumcision death ==
* {{REFnews
== Facebook groups ==
These groups use the Hebrew language.
* [ Circumcision - the whole hidden truth - a selected collection]
* [[ברית_מילה_-_לומדים_את_העובדות|Circumcision - Learn about the facts]]
== Intactivist groups ==
There are several [[intactivist]] groups that oppose the the practice of non-therapeutic [[circumcision]].
* [[Ben Shalem]]
* [[Brimila]]
* [[Intact Israel]]
* [[Israel's Whole Network]]
* [[KAHAL]]
* [[Protect the Child]]
== Video Videos ===== Alon Sivroni vs. circumcision ===<byoutube>Israeli Intactivismv=dmLSx92iKlM&t=39s</byoutube>=== Israeli mother promotes keeping boys intact ===
<br>=== [[Alon Sivroni]] protests against Genital Mutilation in Israel ===
=== Just The Tip: Cutting Through The Taboo Of Opposing Circumcision ===
=== Alon Sivroni Banned From Tel Aviv Pride Parade For Opposing Circumcision ===
=== Infant circumcision procedure ===
This is a video of an actual infant [[circumcision]]. It has a sound tract so one can hear the comments of the doctor and the sounds made by the infant. The doctor gives an injection of local anesthetic that apparently does not stop any pain at all. The infant goes silent at about 6:15 on the video, so he may have gone into [[shock]] at that time. Not for the squeamish:
* {{REFweb
|title=Trained medical professionals restrain infant to amputate part of its body while baby kicks and screams in pain
*[ Circumcision video]
== Mantor Restorer ==
The [[Mantor Restorer]], a [[foreskin restoration]] device, is manufactured in Israel.
== Censorship in Israel ==
Discussion of the practice of [[Brit Milah| circumcision]] is likely to be censored. [[Alon Sivroni]] was banned from the [ Tel Aviv Pride Parade] for opposing circumcision. This is likely to occur when many men are in ''denial of loss'' to [[Sexual effects of circumcision| circumcision]].
== Homosexuality in Israel ==
Yoni Leviatan (2015) claims "Israel is the gayest country on earth."<ref>{{REFnews
|title=Israel is the gayest country on earth
|publisher=The Times of Israel
}}</ref> Tel Aviv, which may be the most [[circumcised]] city, also calls itself "the most gay friendly city in the world."<ref>{{REFnews
|title=Over 250,000 revelers flood Tel Aviv for Israel’s biggest ever Gay Pride parade
|publisher=The Times of Israel
(Numerous researchers have reported observing an [[Association of homosexuality with male circumcision.| association of homosexuality with male circumcision]].)
* [[Abrahamic covenant]]
* [[Brit Shalom]]
* [[Bruchim]]
* [[Judaism]]
* [[Theodor Hertzl]]
* {{URLwikipedia|Israel|Israel}}
[[Category:Male circumcision]]
[[Category:Male sexuality]]

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