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'''{{FULLPAGENAME}}''', B.A., J.D., M. Laws, ({{LifeData|birth=1954-01-17|birthplace=Washington, D.C.|birthcountry=[[USA]]|death=|deathplace=|deathcountry=}}) is a scion of the very wealthy and prominent Kennedy political family of Massachusetts. His uncle was the late President John F. Kennedy and his father was Robert F. Kennedy who served as Attorney-General of the [[United States]]. <b>Robert Francis Kennedy, Jr.</b> is also known as <b>Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.</b>, <b>Bobby Kennedy, Jr.</b>, and <b>RFK, Jr.</b> His uncle was the late President John F. Kennedy and his father was Robert F. Kennedy who served as Attorney-General of the [[United States]].
The Kennedy family has historically been associated with the Democrat Party, but RFK, Jr. resigned from the Democrat Party in 2023, became an independent, and then supported Donald Trump for President.