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* [https://peacefulbeginningsrosemary.wordpress.com/ Her blog 'peaceful beginnings from rosemary']
* [http://www.amazon.com/Circumcision-Painful-Dilemma-Rosemary-Romberg/dp/0897890736 Amazon page of her book]
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[[File:RosemaryRomberg_FB.jpg|thumb|Rosemary Romberg, 2015]]
'''Rosemary Romberg''' (* February 20, 1947) is an American intactivist from Omaha, who lives in Fullerton. She has studied anthropology and sociology at the University of California in Santa Barbara.
In 1976, after Romberg had given birth to her first two sons, she became a [[regret mom]] while being pregnant with her third child. On her own website, she tells her own story about how she finally became an intactivist.<ref>{{REFjournal
| last=Romberg
| first=Rosemary
| coauthors=
| title=My Own Story
| journal=Mothering Magazine
| date=Winter 1982
| volume=22
| issue=
| pages=34-39
| url=https://peacefulbeginningsrosemary.wordpress.com/circ-information/my-own-story
| quote=
| pubmedID=
| pubmedCID=
| DOI=
| accessdate=2019-09-20
Romberg was active with the earliest known US intactivism group, [[INTACT Educational Foundation|INTACT]], in the 1970s, and wrote "[[Circumcision: The Painful Dilemma]]" in 1985. Romberg set the standard for remorse, grace, and redemption, and has saved generations of baby boys from circumcision, and she's still working at it with her website.
* ''[[Circumcision: The Painful Dilemma]]'', 1985<ref>https://www.amazon.com/Circumcision-Painful-Dilemma-Rosemary-Romberg/dp/0897890736</ref>
* {{URLwebsite|https://peacefulbeginningsrosemary.wordpress.com|2019-09-20}} (Her blog ''peaceful beginnings from rosemary'')
* {{URL-FBprofile|rosemary.romberg|2019-09-16}}
[[Category:Intactivist of the month]]
[[de:Rosemary Romberg]]