Seyran Ateş

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Seyran Ateş, 2008

Seyran Ateş (born 20 April 1963 in Istanbul, Turkey), is a German lawyer, author and feminist with Turkish and Kurdish roots.

In 2017, Ateş has initiated and founded the Ibn Rushd-Goethe mosque in Berlin, which stands for a liberal Islam, separating secular and religious power and seeking a contemporary and gender-oriented interpretation of the Qur'an and the Hadith.[1]

Since May 2018, she is an intaktiv Ambassador. Her statement:

Being a consistent representative of fundamental and human rights that are universally valid for me, I cannot accept to make an irreversible, physical intervention on boys, that are usually not mature to religion. There is no medical need for circumcision of boys, so one should fully accept the right of boys to physical integrity. Such an individual right of the child is superior to the collective right of the parents or the family.
– Seyran Ateş (intaktiv-Website)[2]

In 2019, she spoke at the WWDOGA in Cologne, Germany.


  • Seyran Ateş received the Human Rights Award from the University of Oslo on 5 December 2019. The lawyer and founder of the liberal Ibn Rushd Goethe Mosque in Berlin, Germany, works tirelessly for universal values and human rights.[3]

External links


  1. Jump up REFweb (21 June 2017). „Pluralität und Vielfalt sind ein Grundsatz im Islam“ ["Plurality and diversity are a principle in Islam"] (German), Deutschlandfunk. Retrieved 17 October 2019.
  2. Jump up REFweb Seyran Ateş, Rechtsanwältin und Autorin [Seyran Ateş, lawyer and author] (German), intaktiv. Retrieved 17 October 2019.
  3. Jump up REFweb (15 October 2019). Universität Oslo zeichnet Menschenrechtsanwältin Ates aus [University of Oslo honors human rights lawyer Ates] (German), Focus. Retrieved 17 October 2019.