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Sixth International Symposium

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<br>The '''Sixth International Symposium''' on Genital Integrity convened at the [ University of Sydney], Sidney, New South Wales, Australia on December 7-9, 2000.
'''Seham Abd el Salam Muhammed, MD,''' research fellow, Department of Sociology-Anthropology, the American University in Cairo, member of the Egyptian FGM Task Force, founder of Resource Center of FGM Cairo, Egypt.<br>
'''John Aldous''', co-founder E.B.-N.O.R.M. (Everyman’s Birthright - National Organization of Restoring Men). Everard Park, South Australia.<br>
'''Zenas Baer''', JD, attorney concentrating on Federal Civil Rights Litigation. Hawley, Minnesota, USA.
'''Jeannine Parvati Baker''', MS, co-founder, Six Directions non-profit educational organisation, author and lecturer. Joseph, Utah, USA.<br>
'''Peter Ball''', MA, MB, B.Chir., retired family practitioner, producer and director, non-surgical foreskin restoration video. Turnbridge Wells, Kent, UK.<br>
'''Gillian A. Bensley''' conducted research study for Bachelor of Social Science(Honours) degree in Psychology. Bond University, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.<br>
'''Daniel H. Bollinger, III''', BA, founder and Director, Wabash Men’s Council,Indiana, USA.<br>
''Charles Bonner'', JD, civil rights, personal injury, and medical malpractice attorney. Sausalito, California, USA.<br>
'''Gregory J. Boyle''', PhD, Professor of Psychology, Bond University. Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.<br>
'''Mary Conant''', RN, conscientious objector to circumcision, co-founder, Nurses for the Rights of the Child. Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA.<br>
'''Robert Darby''', PhD, scholar and editor, researched the history of the rise and decline of routine circumcision in Australia for his book on the subject. Canberra, Australia.<br>
'''Paul Fleiss''', MD, MPH, paediatrician. Los Angeles, California, USA.<br>
'''Tracey Gemmel''', candidate for Postgraduate Diploma of Professional Psychology, Bond University. Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.<br>
'''Pia Grassivaro Gallo''', PhD, associate professor, general biology, Faculty of Psychology, University of Padua. Padua, Italy.<br>
'''Yngve Hofvander''', paediatrician, Professor, International Child Health, Uppsala University, Sweden, consultant to the Swedish International Development Authority, World Health Organization, and UNICEF. Uppsala, Sweden.<br>
'''Frederick Mansfield Hodges''', DPhil (Oxon), medical historian, co-editor, Male and Female Circumcision: Medical, Legal, and Ethical Considerations in Pediatric Practice (Kluwer Academic/Plenum Press 1999). University of Oxford, Oxford, UK. '''LeYoni Junos''', Director, Amnesty International Bermuda, Bermuda Human Rights Commissioner. Hamilton, Bermuda.<br>
'''Michael Katz''', MD, Vice President of Research for the March of Dimes. White Plains, New York, USA.
'''DaiSik Kim''', PhD, Professor, Department of Physics, Seoul National University. Seoul, Korea. '''Sae Chul Kim''', MD, Department of Urology, College of Medicine, Chung Ang University, Seoul, Korea.<br>
'''Tina Kimmel''', MSW, MPH, doctoral candidate in public health, University of California, Berkeley, Director, NOCIRC of California – East Bay. Oakland, California, USA.<br>
'''Peter Lawrence''', MS, doctoral candidate, University of Sydney, counsellor,and founder of UNCIRC of Australia in 1994. Sydney, NSW, Australia.<br>
'''Els Leye''', Female Genital Mutilation Project Coordinator, International Centre for Reproductive Health. Ghent, Belgium.<br>
'''Hanny Lightfoot-Klein''', MA, cross-cultural sexologist and clinical supervisor,The American Board of Sexology, author, Prisoners of Ritual: An Odyssey Into Female Genital Mutilation, A Woman’s Odyssey into Africa: Tracks Across a Life, and Genital Surgery and the Rights of Children. Tucson, Arizona, USA.<br>
'''Linda Massie''', BSc, PG/Dip, founder and Director, NOCIRC of Northern Ireland. Glen gormley, County Antrim, Northern Ireland.<br>
'''Brett McCann''', Counsellor, Sexual Health Clinic, Sydney Hospital, President, Australasian Sexual Health Counsellors Society. Sydney, NSW, Australia.<br>
'''Kenneth A. McGrath''', VRD, Msc(Hons), LIBiol, MNZIMLS, RNZNVR (Rtd), Senior Lecturer in Pathology, Faculty of Health Studies, Auckland University of Technology. Auckland, New Zealand.<br>
== Proceedings ==

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