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797 bytes added, 08:11, 23 May 2018
Since February 2018, intaktiv is a member of the ''Deutsche Gesellschaft für Prävention und Intervention bei Kindesmisshandlung und -vernachlässigung e. V.''<ref></ref>
== Ambassadors ==
A small group of prominent and experienced supporters has been entitled so-called Ambassadors by [[intaktiv]]<ref></ref>. Above all, their task is to carry the theme of genital self-determination for children using their prominence and expertise in the public. Currently, the following Ambassadors have been entitled:
* [[Angelika Bergmann-Kallwass]] (since December 2016)
* Dr. [[Nadja Hermann]] (since December 2016)
* Prof. Dr. [[Rolf Dietrich Herzberg]] (since December 2016)
* Prof. Dr. [[Matthias Franz]] (since April 2017)
* [[Ulla Barreto]] (since April 2017)
* Dr. [[Necla Kelek]] (since November 2017)
* [[Ralf König]] (since November 2017)
* [[Seyran Ateş]] (since May 2018)
* Dr. [[Jérôme Segal]] (since May 2018)
== References ==
administrator, administrators, Bureaucrats, Interface administrators, Administrators

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